
Rails I18n tasks to find missing / unused translations and more

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Rails I18n tasks to find missing / unused translations and more. Works with slim / coffee / haml etc.


Use rake -T i18n to get the list of tasks with descriptions. There are 3 tasks available at the moment:

  • i18n:missing task shows all the keys that have not been translated yet (source)
  • i18n:prefill task normalizes locale files, and adds missing keys from base locale to others (source)
  • i18n:unused task shows potentially unused translations (source)

The i18n:unused task will detect pattern translations and not report them, e.g.:

t 'category.' + category.key # 'category.arts_and_crafts' considered used
t "category.#{category.key}" # also works

Relative keys (t '.title') are supported. Plural keys (key.one/many/other/etc) are supported.

For more examples see the tests.


Simply add to Gemfile:

gem 'i18n-tasks', '~> 0.1.0'

grep is required. You likely have it already on Linux / Mac / BSD, Windows users will need to install and make sure it's available in PATH.


Tasks may incorrectly report framework i18n keys as missing. You can add config/i18n-tasks.yml to work around this:

# do not report these keys as missing (both on blank value and no key)
  - devise.errors.unauthorized # ignore this key
  - pagination.views.          # ignore the whole pattern (note the .)

# do not report these keys when they have the same value as the base locale version
    - common.ok
    - common.brand

# do not report these keys as unused
  - category.

# do not report these keys ever
  - kaminari.

# search configuration (grep arguments)
  # search these directories (relative to your Rails.root directory, default: 'app/')
    - 'app/'
  # include only files matching this glob pattern (default: blank = include all files)
    - '*.rb'
    - '*.html*'
  # explicitly exclude files (default: blank = exclude no files)
  exclude: '*.js'

# where to read locale data from
  # file patterns for a given %{locale} (supports globs)
    # default:
    - 'config/locales/%{locale}.yml'
  # you can also implement a custom loader, use the default as an example
  class: I18n::Tasks::Data::Yaml

HTML report

While i18n-tasks does not provide an HTML version of the report, it's easy to roll your own, see the example.

This was originally developed for Zuigo, a platform to organize and discover events.

MIT license

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