
Trumbowyg Editor for ActiveAdmin

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ActiveAdmin Trumbowyg Gem Version

An Active Admin plugin to use Trumbowyg Editor



  • Update your Gemfile: gem 'activeadmin_trumbowyg' (and execute bundle)
  • Add at the end of your ActiveAdmin styles (app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss):
@import 'activeadmin/trumbowyg/ui/sass/trumbowyg';
@import 'activeadmin/trumbowyg_input';
  • Add at the end of your ActiveAdmin javascripts (app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js):
//= require activeadmin/trumbowyg/trumbowyg
//= require activeadmin/trumbowyg_input
  • Use the input with as: :trumbowyg in Active Admin model conf
  • To fix icons in production execute the task: rake trumbowyg:nondigest (or rails trumbowyg:nondigest for Rails 5.x)

Why 2 separated scripts? In this way you can include a different version of trumbowyg editor if you like.


data-options: permits to set trumbowyg editor options directly - see options list


Currently there are minor issues with some Trumbowyg buttons (refer to the project page):

  • deleted text: can't be unset from toolbar, but it works with Undo
  • superscript, subscript: can't be unset from toolbar (in Chrome), but it works with Undo


Form config (example model Article):

form do |f|
  f.inputs 'Article' do
    f.input :title
    f.input :description, as: :trumbowyg
    f.input :published

Toolbar buttons configuration:

f.input :description, as: :trumbowyg, input_html: {data: {options: {btns: [['bold', 'italic'], ['superscript', 'subscript'], ['link'], ['justifyLeft', 'justifyCenter', 'justifyRight', 'justifyFull'], ['unorderedList', 'orderedList'], ['horizontalRule'], ['removeformat']]}}}

Example with upload plugin

Add to active_admin.js (after trumbowyg require):

//= require activeadmin/trumbowyg/plugins/upload/trumbowyg.upload

Form field config (example model Article):

f.input :description, as: :trumbowyg, input_html: {data: {options: {btns: [['bold', 'italic'], ['link'], ['upload']], plugins: {upload: {serverPath: upload_admin_article_path( resource.id ), fileFieldName: 'file_upload'}}}}}

Form method:

member_action :upload, method: [:post] do
  response = nil
  resource.cover = params[:file_upload]
  response = resource.save ? {success: '1', file: resource.cover.url} : {success: '0'}
  render json: response

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Take a look at other ActiveAdmin components that I made if you are curious.

