
ES7 Decorator for React, which is useful on resize event.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm package

Build status Dependency Status

ES7 Decorator & Higher-Order Component for React, which is useful on resize event.


$ npm install --save on-resize


ES7 Decorator

import React from "react";
import {onResize} from "on-resize/react";

class Example extends React.Component {
  render () {
    // By default, when window.onresize emits, passes following props:
    //  `width`  : window.innerWidth - this.props.offsetWidth
    //  `height` : window.innerHeight - this.props.offsetHeight
    let {width, height, children} = this.props;

    return <div style={{ width, height }}>{children}</div>;

React.render(<Example><h1>Hello</h1></Example>, document.body);

If you want to customize that prop name or value, you can pass function or use select option:

@onResize((props) => ({
  innerWidth: window.innerWidth,
  innerHeight: window.innerHeight

// OR

  select: (props) => ({
    innerWidth: window.innerWidth,
    innerHeight: window.innerHeight

Higher-Order Component

function bindOnResize(Component, options = {Function|Object})
import React from "react";
import {bindOnResize} from "on-resize/react";

class Example extends Component {
  render () {
    let {width, height, children} = this.props;
    return <div style={{ width, height }}>{children}</div>;

Example = bindOnResize(Example)

React.render(<Example><h1>Hello</h1></Example>, document.body);


  • Add tests more
  • Support Higher-Order Component
  • Support other Virtual DOM libraries
