
A simple soap client for NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

NPM version Build Status Dependency Status


Fork of the foam library without native dependency. It is using superagent for requests and xml2js for XML stringifying and parsing.


npm install @pirxpilot/node-foam --save
var operation = 'CelsiusToFahrenheit'
    , namespace = 'http://www.w3schools.com/webservices/'
    , action = "http://www.w3schools.com/webservices/CelsiusToFahrenheit"
    , message = {'Celsius': '23'}
    , uri = namespace + 'tempconvert.asmx'

var foam = require('@pirxpilot/node-foam');

foam(uri, operation, action, message, {namespace: namespace},
  function (err, result) {


  • uri - endpoint of the SOAP service
  • operation - SOAP operation
  • action - Soapaction http header
  • message - a Javascript object that will be serialised to XML
  • options - an options object


  • header - optional SOAP header
  • namespace - optional xmlns namespace for the operation
  • namespaces - optional additional namespaces for the Envelope element
  • benchmark - set to true to log the request timing to the console, defaults false