Python Postgresql database
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local windows machine for development and testing purposes.
- a. Python 3.7.4
- b. PostgreSQL 12.1
- After installing and setting python and postgres (with pgAdmin using for creating PostgreSQL Server according to on your local windows machine you can check using these commands in git bash:
$ python -V
$ postgres -V
If these commands run without error and shows versions programs installed correctly Also now you have access to the database reated by default usin this command in git bash:
$ psql -U postgres postgres
where first is username created by default and second is database name. Then if asked you can use password 'postgres'.
- To not be prompted for a password you need use trust authentication (which you should only use for development). For this change pg_hba.conf file, that you can find in C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\data
IPv4 local connections:
host all all trust
# IPv6 local connections:
host all all ::1/128 trust
# Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
# replication privilege.
host replication DIMA trust
host replication DIMA ::1/128 trust
And restart PostgreSQL Server in pgAdmin. In some cases you will need to create PostgreSQL Server again according to first step. To check if trust authentication try to access database 'postgres' using command above. Note that password is not required.
- Now let's set our database 'crewasis' and new role. For this run these command inside 'postgres' database:
postgres=# create database crewasis;
postgres=# create user <username>;
postgres=# grant all privileges on database crewasis to <username>;
postgres=# \q \\ for exit
For access database crewasis from flask app by default, i.e without username, you can indicate 'username' the same what you have in your git bash console. To find out your username try to run these command from git bash:
$ psql postgres
You may get an error: FATAL: role 'username' does not exist. Try using this 'username' for new role name in second line. Also when you are creating new user you may get an error related to encoding. If there is such an error run these command:
postgres=# set client_encoding='utf8'
After these settings you can restart server in pgAdmin and find new database crewasis was created.
From git bash:
$ git clone
$ cd crewasis
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ export
$ flask db upgrade
$ flask run
If you use different role name in PostgreSQL Server that your username in git bash before upgrading crewasis database you need to change DATABASE_URL variable in .env file:
Now you can see app running on