Nuxt 3 + Quasar 2.x - Minimal Starter (⚠️WIP⚠️)

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Hello there and thank you for the interrest in this boilerplate repo. I have to mention that this is still a ⚠️work in progress⚠️. Integrating Quasar 2.x + Nuxt3 in an SSR environment takes a lot of effort esspecially because Quasar ships their own SSR version and is not compatible with nuxt3 out of the box.

Also have a look at this ticket about the potention native support of nuxt3 with quasar.


Any way since I switched over the fake-dom plugin to happy-dom instead of JSDOM all rehydration errors caused through the missing intersection observer api's in jsdom are gone. So test this carefully but SSR for complicated layouts should be possible now!!!!

I recommend to look at the documentation.


  • PNPM >= 7.x
  • NodeJS 18.x


Make sure to install the dependencies

pnpm install


Start the development server on http://localhost:3000

pnpm dev


Build the application for production:

pnpm build

Run test

pnpm test:watch

Fix markup

pnpm lint:fix

Checkout the deployment documentation.