
State propagation and event streams with mandatory ownership and no glitches

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


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Airstream is a small state propagation and streaming library. Primary differences from other solutions:

  • Mandatory ownership of leaky resources – it is impossible to create a subscription without specifying when it shall be destroyed. This helps prevent memory leaks and unexpected behaviour.

  • No FRP glitches – neither observables themselves nor their observers will ever see inconsistent state within a transaction, at no runtime cost.

  • One integrated system for three core types of observables – Event streams alone are not a good enough abstraction for anything other than events.

    • EventStream (lazy, no current value)
    • Signal (lazy, has current value)
    • State (eager, with current value)
  • Small size, simple implementation – easy to understand, easy to create custom streams. Does not bloat your Scala.js bundle size.

Airstream has a very generic design, but is primarily intended to serve as a reactive layer for unidirectional dataflow architecture as applied to hierarchical UI components. As such, it is not burdened by features that cause more problems than they solve in frontend development, such as backpressure and typed effects.

I created Airstream because I found existing solutions were not suitable for building reactive UI components. My original need for Airstream is to replace the old reactive layer of Laminar, but I'll be happy to see it used by other reactive UI libraries as well. Laminar in general is well modularized, and you can definitely reuse other bits and pieces of it, for example Scala DOM Types.

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Table of Contents


  • Gitter for chat and random questions
  • Github issues for bugs, feature requests, and more in-depth discussions


The provided documentation is a high level overview that occasionally dives into gritty details for things that are hard to figure on your own. It is not a full replacement to discovering available methods by reading the code (which is quite simple, and has comments) or simply with an IDE's autocomplete functionality.

This documentation is not an introduction to functional reactive programming. Instead, it explains the specifics of one library. I therefore assume basic knowledge of streams and observables here. If you need a primer on standard reactive programming, consider this guide by André Staltz or its video adaptation.

This documentation is intended to be read top to bottom, sections further down the line assume knowledge of concepts and behaviours introduced in earlier sections.

Warning: there is some rambling involved. I will need to revise this at some point.

For examples of Airstream code, see laminar-examples, Laminar source code, as well as Airstream tests.


EventStream is a reactive variable that represents a stream of discrete events.

EventStream has no concept of "current value". It is a stream of events, and there is no such thing as a "current event". Philosophically, an event has either happened or is yet to happen.

EventStream is a lazy observable. That means that it will not receive or process events unless it has at least one Observer (more on this below).

When you add an Observer to a stream, it starts to send events to the observer from now on. Different streams could potentially have custom code in them overriding this behaviour however. We strive for obviousness.

The result of calling observable.addObserver(observer)(owner) or observable.foreach(onNext)(owner) is a Subscription. To remove the observer you can call observable.removeObserver(sameObserver) or subscription.kill(). You can ignore the owner implicit param for now. Read about it later in the Ownership section.


Before exploring other kinds of observables, let's outline how exactly laziness works in Airstream.

A LazyObservable (an EventStream or a Signal, but we'll focus on streams for now) can have observers – both "external" observers that you add manually using addObserver or foreach methods, and InternalObserver-s. More on those soon.

Starting Observables

When a stream acquires its first observer (does not matter if external or internal), it is said to be started. So when you call addObserver on a stream for the first time, you start the stream. Airstream will then call the stream.onStart method, which must ensure that this stream wakes up and starts working. Someone started observing (caring about the output of) this stream – and so the stream must ensure that the events start coming in.

Usually the stream accomplishes that by adding an InternalObserver to the parent (upstream) stream – the stream on which this one depends. For example, let's consider this scenario:

val foo: EventStream[Foo] = ???
val bar: EventStream[Bar] = foo.map(fooToBar)
val baz: EventStream[Baz] = bar.map(barToBaz)
val qux: EventStream[Qux] = baz.map(bazToQux)
val rap: EventStream[Rap] = qux.map(quxToRap)


Until baz.addObserver(bazObserver) was called, these streams would not be receiving or emitting any events because they have no observers, internal or external. After baz.addObserver is called, an external observer bazObserver is added to baz, starting it. Then, baz.onStart is called, adding baz as an InternalObserver to bar. baz will now receive and process any events emitted by bar.

But this means that bar just got its first observer – even if an internal one, it still matters – someone started caring, even if indirectly. So its onStart method is called, and it adds bar as the first InternalObserver to foo. Now, foo is started as well, and its onStart method does something to ensure that foo will now start sending out events. We don't actually know what foo's onStart method does because we didn't define foo's implementation. For example, it could be adding a DOM listener to a DOM element.

Now we see how adding an observer resulted in a chain of activations of all upstream streams that were required, directly or indirectly, to get the events out of the stream we actually wanted to observe. The onStart method ensured – recursively – that the observed stream is now running.

Adding another observer to the now already running streams – foo or bar or baz – would not need to cause such a chain reaction because the stream to which it is being added already has observers (internal or external).

Lastly, notice that the qux and rap streams are untouched by all this. No one cares for their output yet, so those streams will not receive any events, and neither bazToQux nor quxToRap will ever run (well, not until we add observers that need them to run, directly or indirectly).

On a lower level, how exactly is it that qux will not run? Put simply, it needs to be getting events from baz to process them and produce its own events, but it's getting nothing from baz simply because at this point baz does not know that qux exists. baz sends out its events to all of its observers, but so far nothing added qux as an observer to baz.

For extra clarity, while the stream rap does depend on qux, rap itself has no observers, so it is stopped. Nothing started it yet, and so nothing triggered its onStart method which would have added rap as an InternalObserver to qux, starting qux recursively as described above.

Stopping Observables

Just like Observers can be added to streams, they can also be removed, e.g. with removeObserver. When you remove the last observer (internal or external) from a stream, it is said to be stopped. The same domino effect as when starting streams applies, except the onStop method recursively undoes everything that was done by onStart – instead of adding an InternalObserver to parent stream, we remove it, and if that causes the grand-parent stream to be stopped, we call its onStop method, and the chain continues upstream.

When the dust settles, streams that are now without observers (internal or external) will be stopped, and those that still have observers will otherwise be untouched, except they will stop referencing the now-stopped observables in their lists of internal observers.

Memory Management Implications

Every observable that depends on another – parent, or upstream observable, – always has a reference to that parent, regardless of whether it's started or stopped.

However, the parent/upstream observable has no references to its child/downstream observable(s) until the child observable is started. Only then does the parent obtain a reference to the child, adding it to the list of its internal observers.

This has straightforward memory management implications: nothing in Airstream is keeping references to a stopped observable. So, if you don't have any of your own references to a stopped Observable, it will be garbage collected, as expected.

However, a started observable has additional references to it from:

  1. The parent/upstream observable on which this observable depends (via the parent's list of internal observers)
  2. The Subscription objects created by addObserver or foreach calls on this observable, if this observable has external observers

Remember that if a given observable is started, its parent is also guaranteed to be started, and so on. This creates a potentially long chain of observables that typically terminate with external observers on the downstream end, and some kind of an event producer on the upstream end. All of these reference each other, directly or indirectly, and so will not be garbage collected unless there are no more references in your program to any observable or observer in this whole graph.

Now imagine that in the chain of activated observables mentioned above the most downstream observable is related to a UI component that has since then been destroyed. You would want that now-irrelevant observable to be stopped in order for it to be garbage collected, since it's not needed anymore, but it will continue to run for as long as it has its observer. And if you forgot to remove that observer when you destroyed the UI component it related to, you got yourself a memory leak.

This is a common memory management pattern for most streaming libraries out there, so it should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with event streams.

Some reactive UI libraries such as Outwatch give you a way to bind the lifecycle of subscriptions to the lifecycle of corresponding UI components, and that automatically kills the subscription (removes the observer) when the UI component it relates to is destroyed. However, the underlying streaming libraries that such UI libraries use have no concept of such binding, and so in those libraries you can manually call stream.addObserver and create a subscription that will not cease to exist together with the UI component that it conceptually relates to.

What makes Airstream special is that it has a concept of ownership. When creating a leaky resource, e.g. when calling addObserver, you have to also provide a reference to the Owner who will eventually kill the subscription. For example, that owner could be a UI component to which the subscription relates, and it could automatically kill all subscriptions that it owns when it is destroyed, allowing the now-irrelevant observables to be stopped and garbage collected. This is how Laminar's ReactiveElement works. For more details, see the Ownership section.


Signal is a reactive variable that represents a time-varying value, or an accumulated value.

Similar to EventStream, Signal is lazy, so everything in the Laziness section applies to Signals as well.

Unlike EventStream, a Signal always has a current value. For instance, you could create a Signal by calling val signal = eventStream.toSignal(initialValue). In that example, signal's current value would first equal to initialValue, and then any time eventStream emits a value, signal's current value would be updated to the emitted value, and then signal would emit this new current value.

However, all of that would only happen if signal had any observers (because of Laziness). If signal had no observers, its current value would be stuck at the last current value it saved while it had observers, or at initialValue if it never had observers.

This laziness makes Signal unsuitable to represent certain types of state unless the presence of observers is guaranteed, because its current value might get inconsistent in the absence of observers. It is also the reason why you can't directly access a Signal's current value (there is no public now() method on it). You can use stream.withCurrentValueOf(signal).map((lastStreamEvent, signalCurrentValue) => ???) to access signal's current value. The resulting stream will still be lazy, but this way the processing of currentValue is just as lazy as currentValue itself, so there is no risk of looking at a stale currentValue. If you don't need lastStreamEvent, use stream.sample(signal).map(signalCurrentValue => ???) instead. Note: both of these output streams will emit only when stream emits, as documented in the code.

Unlike EventStream, Signal only fires an event when its next value is different from its current value. The comparison is made using Scala's == operator.

When adding an Observer to a Signal, it will immediately receive its current value, as well as any future values. If you don't want the observer to receive the current value, add an observer to the stream signal.changes instead.

Note: Signal's initial value is evaluated lazily where it is not provided explicitly. For example:

val fooStream: EventStream[Foo] = ???
val fooSignal: Signal[Foo] = fooStream.toSignal(myFoo)
val barSignal: Signal[Bar] = fooSignal.map(fooToBar)

In this example, barSignal's initial value would be equal to fooToBar(myFoo), but that expression will not be evaluated until it is needed (i.e. until barSignal acquires an observer). And once evaluated, it will not be re-evaluated again.


As mentioned above, Signal's current value depends on whether it has observers or not. Therefore, Airstream also offers State – a reactive variable that is eager (strict), not lazy, and remembers its current value.

State does not need observers to run. State calls its own onStart method which works just as described in the Starting Observables section above).

Therefore, all the lazy observables that the State depends on get started automatically when such dependent state is initialized. For example:

val owner: Owner = ???
val fooSignal: Signal[Foo] = ???
val barSignal: Signal[Bar] = fooSignal.map(fooToBar)
val barState: State[Bar] = barSignal.toState(owner) // mirrors barSignal
val bazState: State[Baz] = barState.map(barToBaz)

In the above snippet both fooSignal and barSignal are stopped until barState is created on line 4, as they have no observers up to that point. When barState is initialized, its onStart method will recursively ensure that all upstream observables are started. So it adds barState as an internal observer on barSignal, which starts barSignal, and then barSignal's own onStart method similarly starts fooSignal.

So, we can count on State running as soon as it gets created, regardless of whether state itself has any observers. This means we can use State to store, well, state and accumulated values, such as a list of received events. The state will keep calculating said list even if currently it has no observers.

This is useful in situations where a parent component wants to maintain some state, but the only observers of such state are children components, of which there might be zero or more. Without eagerness, the state would go stale when there are temporarily zero children components because it would temporarily have no observers.

Because State's current value is guaranteed to be consistent regardless of observers, it is available via the state.now() method. Using that method will reduce the need for combining multiple observables, if all you want is to sample some State's current value.

Similar to Signal, State only fires an event when its next value is different from its current value.

Unlike Signal, State's initial value is evaluated eagerly, but also only once.

Similar to Signal, State's external observers receive its current value immediately on subscription. And State too exposes a changes stream that does not send current value on subscription.

You might have noticed in the code snippet above that you need an owner to create State. We have previously seen this in the addObserver(observer)(owner) method signature, and the reason is the same – creating a State is essentially adding an observer* – a leaky operation that must be eventually undone. Read about that in the Ownership section.

* This does not mean that State serves the same purpose as external observers. Airstream does not care, but for proper hygiene don't put side effects into State or any other observable, those belong in observers.

Relationship between EventStream, Signal, and State

A Signal is not an EventStream. Both are a LazyObservable (need observers to run).

You can fold(initialValue)(fn) an EventStream into a Signal, or make a Signal directly with stream.toSignal(initialValue), or stream.toWeakSignal (which initially starts out with None, and has events wrapped in Some).

A State is not a Signal. Both are a MemoryObservable (remember their current value).

You can get an EventStream of changes from a MemoryObservable (a Signal or a State) – this stream will re-emit whatever the parent signal/state emits (subject to laziness of the stream), minus the initial value.

Observable is the lowest common denominator between EventStream, Signal and State.

Observable has no map method because mapping over State is potentially a leaky operation (see Ownership. If you need to map over an Observable, make a LazyObservable out of it by calling toLazy on it first, and then map over that.


Alright, this is it. By now you've read enough to have many questions about how ownership works. This assumes you've read all the docs above, but to recap the core problem that ownership solves:

  • Adding an Observer to a lazily evaluated Observable such as EventStream is a leaky operation. That is, this bond will survive even if the observable and the observer are both effectively unreachable to user code. This is because the observable's parent observables will keep a reference to it for as long as it has observers.
  • Therefore, you need to remember to remove observers that you added when the observers are no longer needed.
  • But doing that manually is insane, you will eventually forget and cause memory leaks and undesired behaviour. You should not need to take out your own garbage in a garbage collected language.

If any of the above does not make sense, the rest of this section might be confusing. Make sure you at least understand the entirety of the Laziness section.

Without further ado:

Owned is a resource that must be killed in order to release memory or prevent some other leak. In Airstream, both Subscription (the result of observable.addObserver call) and State extend Owned.

Owned has an Owner. An Owner is an object that keeps track of its possessions (Owned-s) and knows when to kill them, and kills them when it's time. Airstream does not have any concrete owner classes, just the base trait. The reactive UI library or even yourself should implement those.

For example, in my reactive UI library Laminar ReactiveElement (an object representing a JS DOM Element) implements Owner. When a ReactiveElement is discarded (unmounted from the DOM), it kills all of its possessions, or more specifically – kills all its Owned-s, i.e. all the State and Subscriptions that were bound to it.

So, if you're writing a Laminar component and want it to have internal State, you would specify that component as the owner of said state. Then when the component is no longer needed, neither is its State, and the component conveniently kills the component's State, removing it as an observer from any upstream observables. And if any of those don't have any more observers, they would be stopped, and if they are not referenced elsewhere in your code, garbage collected.

When implementing Owned, you can perform whatever leaky operations you wanted (e.g. in case of State, adding an observer to parent observable) in its constructor, and override the onKilled method to perform any required cleanup (e.g. remove said observer).

Owned-s are bound to a specific Owner upon creation, and this link stays unchanged for the lifetime of the Owned.

Owned-s are normally killed by their Owner, but you can also override the owned.kill method to make it public. That will let you kill an Owned manually. The Owner will be notified about this via owner.onKilledExternally(owned) so that it can drop the reference to owned from its possessions.

An Owned can only be killed once. Killing the same Owned multiple times is undefined behaviour. Built-in Owner tracks its kills properly, make sure to preserve that behaviour if extending it.

Ownership & Memory Management

In broad terms, ownership solves memory leaks by tying the lifecycle of Owned-s to the lifecycle of an Owner. It helps you but makes the assumption that Owned-s are contained "within" their Owner, and that if you bring them out, you do it in a way that does not defeat the purpose of such containerization.

State Considerations

For example, let's say you have a parent component (Owner) that owns some State (Owned). You want to share this state to child components, of which there could be any number, and they would change over time. So let's say the parent component represents a list of child components in the UI.

Now imagine that child components are just functions that accept parent's state:

def childListItem(parentState: State[Foo]): ReactiveElement = {
  val childState = parentState.map(blah)

Can you spot the memory leak? Spoiler alert: for all intents and purposes we would expect the childListItem component to own childState. But did we do anything to make it so? No, parentState.map preserves the owner of the state, so the owner of childState is still the parent component.

That is a problem because when an individual child component is discarded and unmounted, its childState will not be killed, because its owner, the parent component, is still alive and kicking. So every new child will create a new state object which will persist (not just bloat the memory – it will actually run!) until the parent component is discarded, and that might never even happen.

The violation that caused this memory leak to happen is that we allowed a factory of one component's Owned-s (parentState.map) to escape into another component.

This must be prevented with a simple rule of thumb: do not let State escape its owner. If you need to pass this state to a different component (owner), pass a Signal instead: parentState.toSignal(). Signal is a lazy observable and if the receiving component needs to create State out of it, it can do so with signal.toState(newOwner):

def childListItem(parentSignal: Signal[Foo]): ReactiveElement = {
  val childOwner: Owner = ???
  val childState = parentSignal.map(blah).toState(childOwner)

Subscription Considerations

Subscription does not expose a factory to create more Owned resources, but it does keep references to both the Observable and the Observer that it bound. That means that if you're keeping a reference to a Subscription, you're also keeping those references. This does not affect execution, but might affect garbage collection if you're keeping this reference when it's no longer needed.

In practice this is not a problem because everyone knows not to keep references that they don't need. That's how programming works, it's not specific to Subscription or Airstream or even FRP in general.

Sources of Events

We understand how events propagate through streams, signals and state, but the events in Airstream have to originate somewhere, right?


object EventStream {
  def fromSeq[A](events: Seq[A]): EventStream[A] = ...

This method creates an event stream that synchronously emits events from the provided sequence one by one to any newly added observer.

Each event is emitted in a separate transaction, meaning that the propagation of the previous event will fully complete before the propagation of the new event starts.


TODO[API] – implement this.


new EventBus[MyEvent] is the general-purpose way to create a stream on which you can manually trigger events. EventBus exposes two properties:

stream is the stream of events emitted by the EventBus.

writer is a WriteBus object that lets you trigger EventBus events in a few ways.

WriteBus extends Observer, so you can call onNext(newEventValue) on it, or pass it as an observer to another stream's addObserver method. This will cause the event bus to emit newEventValue in a new transaction.

You can also call addSource(otherStream)(owner) on it, and the event bus will re-emit every event emitted by that stream. This is different from adding writer as an observer to otherStream because this will not cause otherStream to be started unless/until the EventBus's own stream is started (see Laziness).

You've probably noticed that addSource takes owner as an implicit param – this is for memory management purposes. You would typically pass a WriteBus to a child component if you want the child to send any events to the parent. Thus, we want addSource to be automatically undone when said child is discarded (see Ownership).

An EventBus can have multiple sources simultaneously. In that case it will emit events from all of those sources in the order in which they come in. EventBus emits every event in a new transaction. Note that EventBus lets you create loops of Observables. It is up to you to make sure that a propagation of an event through such loops eventually terminates (via a proper .filter(passes) gate for example, or an implicit non-equality filter in State).

You can manually remove a previously added source stream using removeSource or by calling kill() on the EventBusSource object returned by the addSource call.

EventBus is particularly useful to get a single stream of events from a dynamic list of child components. You basically pass down the writer to every child component, and inside the child component you can add a source stream to it, or add it as an observer to some stream. Then when any given child component is discarded, its connection to the event bus will also be severed.

Typically you don't pass EventBus itself down to child components as it provides both read and write access. Instead, you pass down either the writer or the stream, depending on what is needed. This security is the reason those are separate instances, by the way.

WriteBus comes with a way to create new writers. Consider this:

val eventBus = new EventBus[Foo]
val barWriter: WriteBus[Bar] = eventBus.writer.filterWriter(isGoodFoo).mapWriter(barToFoo)

Now you can send Bar events to barWriter, and they will appear in eventBus processed with barToFoo then and filtered by isGoodFoo. This is useful when you want to get events from a child component, but the child component does not or should not know what Foo is. Generally if you don't need such separation of concerns, you can just map/filter the stream that's feeding the EventBus instead.

Var and StateVar

Var(initialValue) contains .signal that you can update manually. Similar to EventBus, it exposes .writer for updates.

Similarly, StateVar(initialValue)(owner) contains .state that you can also update via .writer.


Val(value) is a Signal "constant" – a Signal that never changes its value. Unlike other Signals, its value is evaluated immediately upon creation, and it exposes a now() method to obtain it.

Val is useful when a component wants to accept either a Signal or a constant value as input. You can just wrap your constant in a Val, and have the component accept a Signal instead.

Custom Observables

EventBus is a very generic solution that should suit most needs, even if perhaps not very elegantly sometimes.

You can create your own observables that emit events in their own unique way by wrapping or extending EventBus (easier) or extending Observable (more work and knowledge required)). For example, Var is implemented with EventBus.

Unfortunately I don't have enough time to describe how to create custom observables in detail right now. You will need to read the rest of the documentation and the source code – you will see how other observables such as MapStream or FilterStream are implemented. Airstream's source code should be easy to comprehend. It is clean, small (a bit more than 1K LoC with all the operators), and does not use complicated implicits or hardcore functional stuff.

FRP Glitches

Other Libraries

A glitch in Functional Reactive Programming is a situation where inconsistent state is allowed to exist and exposed to either an observable or an observer. For example, consider the typical diamond case:

val numbers: EventStream[Int] = ???
val isPositive: EventStream[Boolean] = numbers.map(_ > 0)
val doubledNumbers: EventStream[Int] = numbers.map(_ * 2)
val combinedStream: EventStream[(Int, Boolean)] = doubledNumbers.combineWith(isPositive)

Now, without thinking too hard, what do you think combinedStream will emit when numbers emits 1, assuming -1 was previously emitted? You might expect that isPositive would emit true, doubledNumbers would emit 2, and then combinedStream would emit a tuple (2, true). That would make sense, and this is how Airstream works at no cost to you, and yet this is not how most streaming and state propagation libraries behave.

Most streaming libraries will introduce a glitch in this scenario, as they are implemented with unconditional depth-first propagation. So in other libraries when the event from numbers (1) propagates, it goes to isPositive (true), then to combinedStream ((-1, true)). And that's a glitch. (-1, true) is not a valid state, as -1 is not a positive number. Immediately afterwards, doubledNumbers will emit 1, and finally combinedStream would emit (1, true), the correct event.

Such behaviour is problematic in a few ways – first, you are now propagating two events on equal standing. Any observables (and in most other libraries, even observers!) downstream of combinedStream will see two events come in, the first one carrying invalid/incorrect state, and they will probably perform incorrect calculations or side effects because of that.

In general, glitches happen when you have an observable that synchronously depends on multiple observables that synchronously depend on a common ancestor or one of themselves. I'm using the term synchronously depends to describe a situation where emitting an event to a parent observable might result in the child observable also emitting it – synchronously. So map and filter would fall into this category, but delay wouldn't.

Topological Rank

In the diamond-combine case described above Airstream avoids a glitch because CombineObservable-s (those created using the combineWith method) do not propagate downstream immediately. Instead, they are put into a pendingObservables queue in the current Transaction (we'll get to those soon). When the rest of the propagation within a transaction finishes, the propagation of the first pending observable is resumed. When that is finished, we propagate the first remaining pending observable, and so on.

So in our example, what happens in Airstream: after isPositive emits true, combinedStream is notified that one of its parents emitted a new event. Instead of emitting its own event, it adds itself to the list of pending observables. Then, as the isPositive branch finished propagating (for now), doubledNumbers emits 2, and then again notifies combinedStream about this. combinedStream is already pending, so it just grabs and remembers the new value from this parent. At this point the propagation of numbers is complete (assuming no other branches exist), and Airstream checks pendingObservableson the current transaction. It finds only one – combinedStream, and re-starts the propagation from there. The only thing left to do in our example is to send the new event – (2, true) to combinedStreamObserver.

Now, only this simple example could work with such logic. The important bit that makes this work for complex observable graphs is topological rank. Topological rank in Airstream is defined as follows: if observable A synchronously depends (see definition above) on observable B, its topological rank will be greater than that of B. In practical terms, doubledNumbers.topoRank = numbers.topoRank + 1 and combinedStream.topoRank == max(isPositive.topoRank, doubledNumbers.topoRank) + 1.

In case of combineWith, Airstream uses topological rank for one thing – do determine which of the pending observables to resolve first. So when I said that Airstream continues the propagation of the "first" pending observable, I meant the one with the lowest topoRank among pending observables. This ensures that if you have more than one combined observable pending, that the one that doesn't depend on the other one will be propagated first.

So this is how Airstream avoids the glitch in the diamond-combine case.


Before we dive into other kinds of glitches (ha! you thought that was it!?), we need to know what a Transaction is.

Philosophically, a Transaction in Airstream encapsulates a part of the propagation that 1) happens synchronously, and 2) contains no loops of observables. Within the confines of a single Transaction Airstream guarantees no glitches.

Async streams such as stream.delay(500) emit their events in a new transaction because Airstream executes transactions sequentially – and there is no sense in keeping other transactions blocked until some Promise or Future decides to resolve itself.

Events that come from outside of Airstream – see Event Sources – each come in in a new Transaction, and those source observables have a topoRank of 1. I guess it makes sense why EventStream.periodic would behave that way, but why wouldn't EventBus reuse the transaction of whatever event came in from one of its source streams?

And the answer is the limitation of our topological ranking approach: it does not work for loops of observables. A topoRank is a property of an observable, not of the event coming in. And an observable's topoRank is determined at its creation. EventBus on its creation has no sources, so its stream needs to emit its events in a new Transaction because there is no way to guarantee correct topological ranking to avoid glitches.

That said, in practice this is not a big deal because the events that an EventBus receives from different sources should be usually independent of each other because they are coming from different child components.

Apart from EventBus there is another way to create a loop – the eventStream.flatten method. And that one too, produces an event stream that emits all events in a new transaction, for all the same reason. TODO[Docs] Document flattening.

Loops necessarily break transactions as a tradeoff. Some other libraries do some kinds of dynamic topological sorting which is less predictable and whose performance worsens as your observables graph gets more complicated, but with Airstream there are no such costs. The only – and tiny – cost is when Airstream inserts a CombineObservable into the list of pending observables – that list is sorted by a static topoRank field, so it takes O(n) where n is the number of currently pending observables, which is usually zero or not much more than that.

Lastly, keep in mind that "propagation" does not include external observers. If you call observable.addObserver, the observer will create a new transaction for every event that it receives. This is because observers are generally for side effects. Part of those effects might be emitting events, but you don't want that to be affected by other propagations going on, which would happen if we reused a transactions for observers. Philosophically, Observers should not know what they're observing (and they can observe multiple things at a time).

Merge Glitch-By-Design

Consider this:

val numbers: EventStream[Int] = ???
val tens: EventStream[Boolean] = numbers.map(_ * 10)
val hundreds: EventStream[Int] = tens.map(_ * 10)
val multiples: EventStream[Int] = EventStream.merge(tens, hundreds)

Same deal – what do you expect multiples to emit when numbers emits 1? I admit, it's a loaded question because of how I named multiples. I expect it to emit 10, and then 100. 10 comes first not because magic, but because the stream hundreds synchronously depends on tens. Or, more precisely, because its topoRank is higher. This behaviour is especially desirable when your events are effectively operations – you don't want the merged stream to swallow operations or to put them in the wrong order.

TODO[API] Consider ordering synchronous events by the order their streams are given to merge instead of topoRank.

In Airstream, MergeEventStream will not emit more than one event in the same Transaction, because a Transaction by its very definition is about propagating a single event (that it happens to sometimes be split into multiple branches e.g. tens and hundreds is irrelevant, it's still the same change propagating), whereas a merged stream is capable of creating new events out of thin air as shown here. So in this example multiples will emit 10 in the same transaction that numbers emitted 1 in, and it will then create a new transaction which will emit 100 when it gets its turn.

MergeEventStream uses the same pendingObservables mechanism as CombineObservable because both extend SyncObservable.


Airstream supports standard observables operators like map / filter / etc. Some of the operators are available only on certain types of observables. For example, you currently can only sample an EventStream. This scarcity is sort of deliberate – we start out with the most basic / obvious operators and will expand into fancier ones as the need arises. However, some basic operators are also missing just because I didn't get to it yet (as opposed to by design), it's only for this reason there is no operator to combine more than two observables yet.

There is currently no centralized documentation on operators – they are well annotated in the source code, in a few traits that extend Observable: LazyObservable, MemoryObservable, EventStream, Signal, State.

Error Handling

TODO[API] Error handling is not yet implemented, but will be soon, it's a priority feature.


  • Currently Airstream only runs on Scala.js because its primary intended use case is unidirectional dataflow architecture on the frontend. However, its design is very generic, and it is definitely possible to make Airstream work on JVM, but that is complicated by 1) JVM's multithreaded environment, 2) Airstream using efficient JS-specific data structures such as js.Array that do not exist on the JVM, and 3) me having limited time, and no personal need for Airstream on the JVM. Those are solvable.
  • Airstream has no concept of observables "completing". If you would like to make a case for this feature, please file an issue on github.

My Related Projects

  • Laminar – Efficient reactive UI library for Scala.js that uses Airstream
  • XStream.scala – streaming library used by Laminar before Airstream

Other building blocks of Laminar:

  • Scala DOM Types – Type definitions that we use for all the HTML tags, attributes, properties, and styles
  • Scala DOM Builder – Low-level Scala & Scala.js library for building and manipulating DOM trees
  • Scala DOM TestUtils – Test that your Javascript DOM nodes match your expectations


Nikita Gazarov – raquo.com


Airstream is provided under the MIT license.