
anonymize contest entries

Primary LanguageJavaScript

contest anonymization

anonymize .osz files by replacing these in the .osu:

  • Creator:
  • Version:
  • Source:
  • Tags:
  • Background filename
  • and a few extras for osu!taiko beatmaps (if specified):
    • CircleSize:
    • ApproachRate:
    • StackLeniency:
    • HitObject locations

this supports multiple .osu files too!


  1. ensure all contest submissions are .osz files and compress them into a .zip file. place the .zip in the main directory
    • if the contest uses osu!'s contest listing file structure, it should be named contest-id.zip
    • otherwise it should be named maps.zip
  2. set variables in variables.json:
    • id: osu! contest listing ID. ignore this if it's not relevant to you
    • name: name of the contest (used in the filename of output .oszs)
    • taiko: set to true if contest is osu!taiko
    • multipleBeatmaps: set to true of .osz includes multiple .osu files
    • customAnonymizationNames: array of strings for anyone who wants specific formatting for anonymized names
  3. if your contest does NOT use osu!'s contest listing, create a file in the main directory called secret.json. add this inside and replace your key:
    "token": "<YOUR OSU APIV1 KEY>"
  1. create a folder titled temp in main directory

how to run

in terminal...

  • type npm i
  • if using osu!'s contest listing file structure, type node osuAnon.js. otherwise type node anon.js


read terminal for any errors while running

if successful, the newly generated output folder will have:

  • anonymous .osz files
  • .csv keying users to anonymous submission names

if you anonymized your contest for the Mappers' Guild contest listing, paste the contents of the .csv into the relevant text input box to automatically sync anonymous names