
Books collection API in Java Spring

Primary LanguageJava


Books collection API in Java Spring. Technologies used: Spring Boot, Jackson, Maven.

Building To build the application use following command: 'mvn clean package'

Running To load local books from JSON to the API run: 'java -jar .\target\library-0.0.1.jar'

To load books from google api use: 'java -jar .\target\library-0.0.1.jar <google api url for example: https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=java&maxResults=4>'

Access API should start on domain 'localhost:8091' with four endpoints available:

  • '/books': returns all books from the database,
  • '/books/{isbn}': returns a book with a specified isbn number
  • '/books?category=': returns books matching a given category
  • '/rating': returns the average rating for every author