
Pure Python OrientDB binary protocol adapter

Primary LanguagePython


Pure Python OrientDB binary protocol adapter and Object to Graph mapper for OrientDB database.

work-in-progress, use at own risk.

so far it has support only for reading objects from OrientDB

Usage example:

from orientdb import OClass, StringProperty, LinkListProperty, LinkProperty, ODBServer

class Node(OClass):
    name = StringProperty() 
    inputs = LinkListProperty()

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Node(%r)' % self.name

class NodeInput(OClass): 
    name = StringProperty() 
    node = LinkProperty(Node)

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'NodeInput(%r)' % self.name

server = ODBServer('') 
session = server.open('somedb') 
x = session.load_record(RID(11, 4), fetch_plan='\*:0') 
print x 
print x.__dict__ 
print x.node
print x.node.inputs 
print x.node.inputs[0:3]