
Reproduction of a bug introduced in spring-cloud-context 3.1.5

Primary LanguageJava


In this repository I've reproduced a bug introduced in spring-cloud-context 3.1.5

Bug description

When a bean using ConfigurationProperties is created during bootstrap phase, values of the fields in this bean are not updated after fetching additional properties using spring-cloud.

How to reproduce this bug?

In this repository I've created IncorrectProperties bean, which at bootstrap phase takes property values from bootstrap.yaml file. Those properties should be overridden with a new values returned from CustomPropertySourceLocator.

I've created a test SpringCloudContextBugApplicationTests.shouldNotFailToUpdateApplicationPropertiesBean which verifies correctness of this behaviour. This test fails when project is using spring-cloud-context in version >= 3.1.5. You can change version of spring-cloud-context in build.gradle file.