
Run Dependabot as GitHub Action workflow in your Clojure project.

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Dependabot for Clojure projects

Dependabot doesn't directly support Clojure projects, but it is possible to send the dependencies list to Dependabot through GitHub Submission API.

This GitHub Action looks for all project.clj and deps.edn in the repository and sends the list of dependencies (both primary dependencies and transitive dependencies) to Dependabot. If enabled, it can open pull-requests to update packages.

Maintainers: ☁️ Pitch Cloud Engineering Team (https://www.pitch.com)

Required Tokens

The Action requires the following environment variables to run the maven-dependency-submission-action CLI and GitHub CLI to list GitHub Security Alerts (GHSA) and to create auto-pull-requests for dependencies updates. Both a Personal Access Token (PAT) and GitHub Token (github.token) are required: the Action needs a PAT because GitHub Token cannot be used to list security alerts for security reasons ("Granting access to security alerts"), and the Action cannot open pull-requests as github-actions (bot) if it doesn't use the GitHub Token.

  • GitHub Personal Access Token to run GitHub CLI (recommended privileges: repo:all)
  • github.token
  • github.repository
  • github.ref
  • github.sha
  • github.workspace


name: Dependabot for Clojure


  GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secret.PAT }}
  GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
  GITHUB_REPOSITORY: ${{ github.repository }}
  GITHUB_REF: ${{ github.ref }}
  GITHUB_SHA: ${{ github.sha }}
  GITHUB_WORKSPACE: ${{ github.workspace }}

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Dependabot for Clojure
        uses: pitch-io/clojure-dependabot@main
          labels: "third-party,bug"
          reviewers: "luigigubello"
          directory: "/foo/bar"


Option Description
auto_pull_request Boolean value to enable or disable auto-pull-requests for dependencies updates.
security_updates_only Boolean value to enable only security updates.
update_omitted Update omitted packages. Unstable feature.
severity Minimum severity to update vulnerable dependencies. The values are low, medium, high, and critical. The default value is low.
main_branch The branch into which you want the pull requests created by the GitHub Action merged.
labels Add labels to the pull requests created by the GitHub Action. The labels need to be separated by a comma (,) and need to already exist.
reviewers Add reviewers to the pull requests created by the GitHub Action. Multiple reviewers need to be separated by a comma (,).
directory By default, the GitHub Action scans the entire repository by looking for project.clj and deps.edn files. It is possible to define a specific sub-path to not scan the entire repository.
include_subdirectories Boolean value to enable the iterative search for project.clj and deps.edn files in subdirectories. The default value is true.
ignore_dependency Add dependencies ([groupId]/[artifactId]) that must not be updated. Dependencies need to be separated by a comma (,).
local_dependency Install dependencies ([pathToFile]:[groupdId]:[artifactId]:[version]:[packaging]) into local repository cache. Dependencies need to be separated by a comma (,).
verbose Boolean. Enable verbose mode.


If you find a security vulnerability, please report it privately at security@pitch.com.