
A collection of alternatives for running Flipper Zero functions on more affordable devices such as M5Stack, Liligo and ESP32 in general.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Orca One

A collection of alternatives for running Flipper Zero functions on more affordable devices such as M5Stack and ESP32 in general.

What is this project?

Portable hardware devices for hacking have become popular with Flipper Zero being the main one and also the most sought after. Given the difficulty of obtaining the famous gadget, this repository aims to document and, where possible, implement more accessible options for carrying out the same attacks on cheaper and easier-to-obtain controllers such as those in the M5Stack family.

Why this name?

Orcas are the largest species in the dolphin family (Delphinidae). Like dolphins, they are intelligent, social mammals with a complex communication system. Orcas are apex predators, meaning they are at the top of the food chain and have no natural predators. The name Orca One was chosen as a reference to the name of the coveted device named after the famous dolphin.

Current Roadmap (UNFINISHED!)

Code Feature Alternative Available Required Hardware Implemented on Firmware
1 Sub-Ghz Yes RF433R / RF433T -
3 RFID 125 kHz No -
4 Infrared Yes StickC Plus1 / StickC Plus2 / Cardputer Nemo
5 BLE Spam Yes -
6 Marauder Yes -
7 Evil Portal Yes -
8 BAD USB Yes -
8 Wardriving No -

How to Contribute

Please review the instructions on how to contribute to this project at Contributing

Contact the Devs

You can reach out to the Devs behing this project (and be part of it) by reaching out to our Discord Server:


You can find us at the #orca-one-devs channel