
Pyramid application to gather data from a log that has collective.stats enabled and display meaningful information from it (Noisebridge Advanced Python Class)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Parse through a log file from a plone instance that has collective.stats installed to pull out meaningful stats and publish to the web. Help them find long running requests, requests that are taking a lot of memory, and general performance related stats.

From the command line, send that log to a web service which will parse through it and then return a pretty url where a user can go analyze their stats. Some details:

  • The framework will be Flask. You will benefit from going through the other web framework tutorials if you are not familiar with concepts of templates, databases, etc.
  • It's not realistic to send whole log files through the web so start thinking about chunking techniques. This makes sense since in reality you would want this data being updated real time.
  • We have minimally covered relational databases but you might want to ramp up on the concepts ahead of time. We will be using sqlalchemy with a lot of ETL. If you guys are passionate we can be cool and try a nosql database but I don't think its best for long term job stuff.
  • I expect most of you to be nominally familiar with html and we will be digging into jquery and plotting libraries. We will be rotating and pairing with who has good skills where but going through a jQuery tutorial and a javascript tutorial would be great.
  • In haste with a client I already wrote a good chunk of the actual log parsing and that will be in this repo for reference.
