

  • GDC - Genomic Data Commons Data Portal The GDC Data Portal is a robust data-driven platform that allows cancer researchers and bioinformaticians to search and download cancer data for analysis.

  • MIMIC - Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care MIMIC is an openly available dataset developed by the MIT Lab for Computational Physiology, comprising deidentified health data associated with ~40,000 critical care patients. It includes demographics, vital signs, laboratory tests, medications, and more.

  • Awesome public datasets on Healthcare This list of a topic-centric public data sources in high quality. They are collected and tidied from blogs, answers, and user responses. Most of the data sets listed below are free, however, some are not. Other amazingly awesome lists can be found in sindresorhus's awesome list.

  • Large Health Data Sets from Vitalnet Vitalnet® is data warehouse / data analysis software for analyzing health data sets. Beyond health data, Vitalnet can analyze just about any large, complex data set.


  • albiondervishi/MIMIC-III-ICU-scoring-system- Ensemble model used to create a more accurate scoring system and mortality predictor for ICU patients using the MIMIC III database using PostgreSQL, R, and Tableau

  • albiondervishi/mimicfilters A repository of reusable code modules for implementation in ICU databases such as MIMIC-III. This work was presented at AMIA 2016 in Chicago, IL on November 16th in Session 92: Utilizing Data Science for the ICU in a paper presentation entitled "Reusable filtering functions for application in the ICU: a case study".

  • albiondervishi/sepsis3-mimic Evaluation of the Sepsis-3 guidelines in MIMIC-III

  • albiondervishi/mortality-prediction Real time mortality prediction in the MIMIC-III database