
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Built With:

Testing Technologies:


This hotel management tool lets you log in with any of 50 users and view any bookings they have coming up, or made in the past. Feel free to book a new room for them if you'd like in the Book Room section (don't worry about the price!).

LOGIN INFO: Login information:

Username: customer<1-50> (eg. customer1)

Password: overlook2021

Preview of App:



This was a solo project!


This is the final solo project of Mod 2 at Turing School of Software & Design. We were given 1 week to create this project from scratch using a provided comp found. I probably spent 50-60 hours on this project over the week. The comp for the project can be found here.

Learning Goals:

  • Use object and array prototype methods to perform data manipulation
  • Create a clear and accessible user interface
  • Make network requests to retrieve data
  • Implement a robust testing suite using TDD
  • Write DRY, reusable code that follows SRP (Single Responsibility Principle)

Installation Instructions:

  1. Clone down this repo,
  2. Run npm install.
  3. Run npm start.
  4. Visit http://localhost:8080/#.

You must also install the back-end server to use this application, follow below:

Server Setup:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Clone it to your location machine using: git clone git@github.com:joh-ann/overlook.git
  3. Run the command: cd overlook-api
  4. Run the command: npm install
  5. Run the command: npm start