Docker image for generating self-signed CA and leaf X.509 certificates. For internal/private use only; self-signed certificates should not be exposed publicly because they cannot be verified and trusted by a third-party.
docker run -v $PWD/certs:/certs pittst3r/certgen ca foo-ca
docker run -v $PWD/certs:/certs pittst3r/certgen leaf foo-ca bar-baz
openssl verify -CAfile certs/foo-ca.crt certs/bar-baz.crt
# > certs/bar-baz.crt: OK
Generate a self-signed root CA certificate and private key.
- The Common Name of the CA, which will also be used as the cert and key file names (less the extension); IMPORTANT: this name cannot be shared by any of the certificates you create with this root certificate
--ttl <integer>
: (default:3650
) Number of days for which the certificate will be valid--mode <integer>
: (default:0600
) Sets the mode of the files
Generate a leaf certificate using the given CA certificate/key.
- The Common Name of the CA certificate
- The Common Name of this certificate, which will also be used as the cert and key file names (less the extension)
--ttl <integer>
: (default:30
) Number of days for which the certificate will be valid--mode <integer>
: (default:0600
) Sets the mode of the files