Pivotal Cloud Foundry Healthwatch Documentation

This is the source repository for the Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Healthwatch documentation.

Note: Use the version-specific branches to create PRs or make changes to the project. The MASTER branch is not updated.

Branch Name Use for… URL
master DO NOT USE n/a
2.0 2.0 beta http://docs.pivotal.io/platform/healthwatch/2-0
1.8 1.8 http://docs.pivotal.io/platform/healthwatch/1-8
1.7 1.7 http://docs.pivotal.io/platform/healthwatch/1-7
1.6 1.6 http://docs.pivotal.io/platform/healthwatch/1-6
1.5 1.5 http://docs.pivotal.io/platform/healthwatch/1-5
1.4 1.4 http://docs.pivotal.io/platform/healthwatch/1-4
1.3 1.3 http://docs.pivotal.io/platform/healthwatch/1-3
1.2 1.2 http://docs.pivotal.io/platform/healthwatch/1-2
1.1 1.1 http://docs.pivotal.io/platform/healthwatch/1-1
1.0 1.0 http://docs.pivotal.io/platform/healthwatch/1-0

1.5 and earlier is end of general support.

Book repo: https://github.com/pivotal-cf/docs-book-healthwatch

Production pipeline: https://concourse.run.pivotal.io/teams/cf-docs/pipelines/cf-services?group=healthwatch Edge pipeline: https://concourse.run.pivotal.io/teams/cf-docs/pipelines/cf-services-edge?group=healthwatch-edge

How to run the docs locally

  1. Clone the docs layout repository into your workspace:
cd ~/workspace
git clone git@github.com:pivotal-cf/docs-layout-repo.git
  1. Follow the instructions in https://github.com/pivotal-cf-experimental/bookdocker, with the following modification:

    1. Before you copy bookdocker into your path, manually edit the Dockerfile configuration inside the bookdocker/bookdocker script from FROM ruby:2.3 to FROM ruby:2.4 so that it works with the gems we have in docs-pcf-healthwatch.
  2. cd into docs-book-healthwatch and edit the config.yml

    1. Under the sections: comment out the docs branch that you are not currently working on. This is needed to have bookdocker watch work as expected.

      Note: Don't commit this file.

  3. Run bookdocker watch in docs-book-healthwatch folder, and you will get local preview under:<VERSION>/installing.html If it doesn't work, run it again, and again... and if that doesn't work, ask for help in the #pcf-docs Slack channel.