The content repo for installing and customizing Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
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Issue coming in installing Small Footprint VMware Tanzu Application Service
#645 opened by swastik7853 - 2
Revert Opsman Backup instructions seem incomplete
#626 opened by ingernet - 2
Add "BOSH DNS Certificate Authority Upgrades" procedure to Breaking Changes/PCF Upgrade page
#605 opened by pivotal-wesley-robertson - 2
Credentials for bosh CLI are not in the given link.
#611 opened by claudex - 2
PAS 2.6 does have a new option for file storage
#603 opened by vchrisb - 2
Old PAS docs refer to 2.5.1 feature - gorouter bypass
#591 opened by coro - 2
NSX-V version
#586 opened by agregory999 - 2
Cert chain example for director trusted certs
#577 opened by deadlysyn - 3
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Ops Manager VM should be added to AWS requirements tables for PAS & Small Footprint PAS
#575 opened by hiremaga - 4
AWS manual steps refer to assigning an IAM role to the OpsMan VM - don't explain how to create it
#525 opened by matthewfischer - 5
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PCF deployment issue
#472 opened by vchattamoni - 4
The TCP ELB listeners setup is a pain
#443 opened by backnotprop - 2
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Export settings file is no longer 5GB or more
#487 opened by jamesjoshuahill - 1
Terraform pages misleading
#627 opened by bhudlemeyer - 2
looks like the phrase "PKS" got deleted from at least one OpsMan docs page
#639 opened by beckettsean - 4
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Typo "https://docs.pivotal.io/pivotalcf/2-6/customizing/offline_installation.html
#610 opened by jncd - 2
Wrong Format in the Networking section.
#580 opened by smcdnnll1 - 2
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How do I configure a Jumpbox for BBR?
#455 opened by tnwang - 2
Scale down PAS docs incorrectly instructs users of external databases to disable backup prepare node
#470 opened by MirahImage - 2
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[Step 2 -> item 9] More instruction is required to configure director on Azure Stack
#557 opened by chenweienn - 2
Bad link to GCP Quotas page
#564 opened by mdcarlson - 3
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Confusing line in PCF deploy Opsmanager
#497 opened by sanhitamukherji - 3
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Documentation for Azure deployment suggests deploying PAS (bosh VMs) to the Management network, not the deployment network
#552 opened by jgallucci32 - 2
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Small Footprint PAS docs omit Runtime CredHub
#543 opened by aclevername - 3
Undocumented checkbox in Opsman IdP config
#517 opened by matthewfischer - 2
NSX-T Container plugin (NCP) page is older version
#516 opened by sandyg1 - 4
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Would be great to have CLEAR small footprint installation instructions -(or terraform)
#498 opened by scanlonjts - 2
in Step 6: Create Database Instance and Databases, get a more clear explanation to "Configure machine type and storage: Select db-n1-standard-2". / go to Configuration options , then ...
#477 opened by dburkhalter-pivotal - 1
Removal of the PCF Azure Resource Manager Template
#479 opened by mxplusb - 2
Broken links
#481 opened by aclevername - 2
ops_manager_image_url should be ops_manager_image_uri in terraform.tfvars
#457 opened by jimbasler-pivotal - 2
Configuring BOSH Director on GCP - Step #5 - Needs additional checkbox for services network
#448 opened by dashaun - 3
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Missing steps in the documentation of installing small foot print pcf installation on aws.
#434 opened by harisonde - 2
Cannot find network 'pcf-management-network'
#440 opened by backnotprop