
(Mac)Vim configuration

Primary LanguageVimL

To Install

(Re)move ~/.vim and ~/.vimrc if you have them already, and run:

git clone git://github.com/pivotal/vim-config.git ~/.vim
cd ~/.vim
git submodule update --init
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc

tmux support (optional)

If you will be using VIM with tmux for remote pairing or window management, see the README at https://github.com/pivotal/tmux-config

Compile command-t

rvm system #ensure build on Ruby 1.8.7 if using RVM
cd ~/.vim/bundle/command-t
rake make


As long as your checkout is kept clean, you can easily update, rebase your local changes and update submodules with:

cd ~/.vim && git pull --rebase ; git submodule update ; cd -