Pinned issues
- 33
Workaround for upcoming dependabot limitations
#222 opened by Qrious - 2 is down
#372 opened by robrecord - 3
Can't use it with "vlucas/phpdotenv": "2.6.1"
#320 opened by albertonieto - 12
ACF API stopped working?
#175 opened by davidhund - 8
Uncaught Error: Class 'Dotenv\Dotenv'
#155 opened by gu-stav - 1
Add support for Composer 2.0
#136 opened by Qrious - 8
Unable to download 5.8.12
#91 opened by labboy0276 - 0
Add Support for vlucas/phpdotenv/ V5
#92 opened by ahbyass - 2
Developing a stand-alone Composer plugin
#19 opened by szepeviktor - 7
Allow license key to be stored in config.json
#14 opened by Qrious - 7
- 5
- 4
- 8
type: wordpress-plugin
#2 opened by viktorbijlenga - 4
Fatal error when running composer install
#1 opened by danielpost