
Docker version of GOG Games.

Primary LanguageTSQL

GOG Games: Docker Edition

Easily setup and configure your own copy of GOG Games hosted on a Tor hidden service. Have a copy running in about 30 minutes!


  • Machine running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Though any Linux distribution should be compatible
  • Minimum 3GB of RAM
  • Experience in using Docker is a plus

Setup Instructions

1. Install Docker

2. Increase vm.max_map_count

This kernel setting needs to be increased on the host or else the Elasticsearch container will refuse to run.

Nano will be used going forward as the text editor of choice. Substitute with your own favorite.

  • Edit sysctl.conf: sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf
  • Add (or edit) this line: vm.max_map_count=262144
  • Exit and save
  • Run: sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

3. Download / Fork the Code

Optional: If you wish to fork GOG Games code and maintain your own copy, go to GOG Games repo and fork the code now to your GitHub account.

Required: The source code from this repository (GOG Games: Docker Edition) needs to be downloaded. It contains the vital files that Docker will need to get the site running.

  • Navigate to your home directory (or replace with the location where you want the code to reside): cd /home/$USER/
  • Download the source and unzip: wget https://github.com/MachineGunnur/GOG-Games-Docker-Edition/archive/master.zip && unzip master.zip && rm master.zip && cd GOG-Games-Docker-Edition-master

Optional: Do this step ONLY if you are forking and maintaining your own copy, else skip it and go to Start Docker

  • Edit gitclone.sh: nano php/gitclone.sh
  • Find the git clone line and replace https://github.com/MachineGunnur/GOG-Games.git to your own forked git URL
  • Exit and save

4. Start Docker

Run Docker Compose so we can build all the required images, pull the GOG Games website source code and install required dependencies.

  • Run Docker: sudo docker-compose up
  • Wait a few minutes for the images to download, build and start
  • Once you see php | Generating autoload files stop all containers with Crtl+C
  • Remove the MariadDB folder as the database will need to be re-created with a new password: sudo rm -rf mariadb

5. Edit config.php

The config.php template needs to be copied then edited so your site will work correctly.

  • Copy blank config to config.php: sudo cp html/config_blank.php html/config.php
  • Edit config.php sudo nano html/config.php and make the following changes:

Important: Only use letters and numbers for these values. No special characters such as *()^%

  • LOGIN_PATH – URL of the admin login page. Change ayylmaosecretloginpageyolo to desired value
  • BASEDIR – Change /var/www/gg to /usr/share/nginx/html
  • NAME – Username used at admin login page. Change supasecretlogin to desired value
  • PASS – Password used at admin login page. Change 123 to desired value
  • KEY – API key used to interact with the database. Change 123-321-133 to desired value
  • DBHOST – Change localhost to mariadb
  • DBPASS – Change 123 to any desired value
  • SERVER – Change to memcached
  • HOSTS – Change localhost to elasticsearch

Triple check that you edited these values correctly and remember them as the next steps will require it. Refer back to config.php if you forget them.

  • Exit and save

6. Edit docker-compose.yml MariaDB password

The MariaDB password set in config.php needs to also be set in the docker compose file.

  • Edit it: nano docker-compose.yml
  • Locate MariaDB section
  • Find MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123 and change 123 to the password you set for DBPASS in config.php
  • Exit and save

7. Replace default .onion address

You now need your own .onion address. Use Scallion to generate it along with the private key. Continue once have an address and private key.

  • Edit the default private key: nano tor/private_key
  • Replace it with your own
  • Exit and save

8. Edit NGINX site config

Your .onion address needs to now be set in the site configuration file for the NGINX web server.

  • Edit site.conf: nano nginx/site.conf
  • Locate server_name and change your-address-here.onion to your generated Tor address (Hash in Scallion XML output)
  • Exit and save

9. Run Docker again

  • You should still be in the directory that has the file docker-compose.yml
  • Run Docker Compose: sudo docker-compose up
  • Wait as all the containers are started up

10. Access your Hidden Service

If everything went successfully, you now should be able to visit your copy of GOG Games at your onion address in Tor browser!

Miscellaneous: Tweaks, Fixes, Guides, etc.

Slim Application Error

If you try and use the Browse All Games button, you will recieve a Slim Application Error page. This is how you resolve it.

  • Navigate to the admin page which you defined at LOGIN_PATH in config.php
    • Example: youraddresshere.onion/ayylmaosecretloginpageyolo
  • Enter your username and password and login. Again, you should have defined your username/password previously in config.php at NAME and PASS!
  • Once logged in find the Elasticsearch section and click the button Reindex Entire Database

Adding New Games

There are two ways to add new games to the database:

Automated: Login to the admin area and find Update Database and click the Grab New Games and Images from GOG button. New games and their corresponding game card & background images will be added to the database and set to hidden.

Manual: Go to GOGDB.org and search for the game you want to add. Copy the ID number of the game. Then go to the admin section of your site and enter the number into the blank box under Add game via Product ID: then click Add. A popup with the name of the game will appear. Finally, click the Grab Images from GOG button under Update Database to acquire the images for the game.

Systemd Service

Configure a systemd service so the containers (thus your site) will automatically start on system boot with Docker Compose. Important: If you have the containers running currently, shut them down before proceeding!

  • Create the service file: sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/gog-games-docker.service

Further below is a systemd template. A few things will need to be changed to adapt it to your system:

  • Change User=your-user-here to the user you want the service to run as. They need to be in the docker group. Add them with sudo usermod -a -G docker your-user-here
  • Change /usr/local/bin/docker-compose to the correct location where Docker Compose is located. You can find the full directory path with which docker-compose
  • Change /location/to/docker-compose.yml to the location where the file docker-compose.yml resides
Description=GOG Games

ExecStartPre=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f /location/to/docker-compose.yml down -v
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f /location/to/docker-compose.yml up
ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f /location/to/docker-compose.yml down -v


To enable, start, and stop the service:

  • Start the service at boot: sudo systemctl enable gog-games-docker.service
  • Start the service: sudo systemctl start gog-games-docker.service
  • Check status: sudo systemctl status gog-games-docker.service
  • Stop it: sudo systemctl stop gog-games-docker.service


  • Explanation on what happens in database when you set a game to NEW/UPDATED or if a game gets voted on... and how to use GOG Games: Upload Scripts to upload to your site... what it sends to API etc.