
Suite of QFitsView scripting language DPUser functions and procedures - anyone can use "as-is", but there will be no support/wikis/issues

QFitsView DPUser

Setting Up DPUSER Functions Library

  1. Place all libraries (files with “lib_*.dpuser” name) in a convenient location e.g. “my_code_location/DPUserlib/Functions" (subsituting for my_code_location e.g. "/Users/username/Programs").

  2. Place “startup.dpuser” in e.g. “my_code_location/DPUserlib". This assumes that all the library functions are located in the "Function" sub-folder and runs the "lib_all.dpuser" script. This file must be modified for your own requirements; it also sets the DPUSER_DIR environment variable that can be accessed by other scripts, using the getenv function in QFitsView.

    //Example startup.dpuser
    //This line must be modified (change *my_code_location*) for individual users
    setenv "DPUSER_DIR", "my_code_location/dpuserlib"
    //dpuserdir is used by libraries to call other libraries if required
    print "Running General Functions : DPUser Directory - "+dpuserdir
    run dpuserdir+"/Functions/lib_all.dpuser"
    print "Finished General Functions - "+dpuserdir
    //You can put your own startup dpuser code here
  3. As of version 4.1 of QFitsView, the location of the "startup.dpuser" file can be specified in the QFitsView menu "QFistView > Preferences > Paths > DPUSER Path" (Mac) or "Options > Preferences > Paths > DPUSER Path" (Windows and Linux). For version previous to 4.1, create a symbolic link in the root directory to this folder. For macOS 10.15+ use the /etc/synthetic.conf symbolic links method - reference here). This link must be called "dpuserlib".

  4. When QFitsView starts, it automatically looks for and executes the script file "startup.dpuser" in the DPUser Path specified above (for versions before 4.1, it looks for "/dpuserlib/startup.dpuser") i.e. it runs the script set up above. This runs all libraries to make the functions available to QFitsView - you will see a whole bunch of “Stored function…” and “Stored procedure…” plus “Finished General Functions” text lines on the DPUSER area in QFitsView.

  5. If the above folder conventions are not used, the following files must be modified:

    • my_program_location/DPUserlib/startup.dpuser
    • my_program_location/DPUserlib/Functions/lib_all.dpuser

Application Global Variables

These are defined internally; they can be overwritten in a QFitsView session.

c = 299792458.0
pi = 3.14159
e = 2.71828
naxis1 = 256
naxis2 = 256
plotdevice = /QT
method = 0
tmpmem = 20971520

Editing DPUser Code with BBEdit

The main documentation for DPUser is through this link. DPUser code can be edited with QFitsView DPUSER > Script Editor. It can also be edited by various external text editors; e.g. BBEdit. To facilitate this, a language module has been implemented - "DPUser.plist", with the following highlighting features:

  • Syntax - both structural commands - e.g. "if", "else" etc. and internal DPUser functions/procedures. As new functions/procdures are implemented in QFitsView, the "BBLMPredefinedNameList" array must be updated.
  • Comments (both for "/*..*/" and "//").
  • Strings ("..")
  • Function and procedure prefixes

The file is installed in BBEdit's language module directory - by default "/Users/username/Library/Application Support/BBEdit/Language Modules".

Note that after editing code in an external text editor, the script must be executed again with QFitsView.

Parameter data types

  • FITS or buffer input - cube is 3D, image is 2D, spectrum is 1D, data is 1, 2 or 3D, mef is multi-extension FITS data (created using the list function for up to 10 data buffers).
    • Pixel co-ordinates
    • p, p1, p2,… (general pixels co-ordinates)
    • x, x1, x2,…, y, y1, y2,…, z, z1, z2,… (for x, y or z axes)
    • pixel/wavelength masking - an array of 2n values [x1,x2,x3,x4...] - paired pixel numbers or wavelengths (pairs x1..x2,x3..x4 etc.) for spectral masking
  • WCS co-ordinates
    • wcs - for axis set [CRPIXn, CRVALn, CDELTn]
    • w, w1, w2,…. (for individual coordinates)
    • l, l1, l2, …. (wavelengths)
  • Maps
    • velmap - velocity map cube (either standard velmapstd or extended velmapext format)
    • wvtmap - weighted Voronoi tessellation map (region numbers)



Runs all the following libraries; this just consists of script lines to execute other scripts in the "Functions" sub-folder. Other scripts can be executed by adding appropriate lines, e.g.


If full path to script is not given, it is assumed to be relative to the DPUserlib folder defined above.


Enhanced functions on FITS headers

function hdr_get_lines, inbuff - returns string array of all lines in inbuff header (rather than single string that function "header" does)

function hdr_check_prefix, inbuff, key - checks inbuff header for presence of key at start of line. If found, returns the line number - this only matches the first found. If not found, this returns 0. This function can be used to check if the key exists before using "getfitskey" and potentially getting an error.

function hdr_get_fits_key, inbuff, key - replaces "getfitskey" function with a check that key exists.

function hdr_get_all_fits_keys, inbuff, prefix - returns a string array of all keys in inbuff that match prefix, e.g. if prefix = "ZPT_" then the array will contain ["ZPT_001", "ZPT_002"...].

function hdr_get_all_fits_key_values, inbuff, prefix, type - as above, but returns the values of those keys. If type = 0 (default), returns a string array, if type = 1, returns a numerical array.


Transform to and from World Coordinate Systems and Pixels

function get_WCS_data, data, axis - return array [CRVAL, CRPIX, CDELT] for axis (1,2 or 3) of data

procedure set_WCS_data, data, wcs, axis - sets WCS values for data for axis (1,2 or 3)

function cvt_pixel_WCS, pix, crpix, crval, cdelt - convert pixel number pix to WCS coordinates using crpix, crval, cdelt, asssuming linear projection (cartesian). The DPUser worldpos function does this including the correct projections.

function cvt_WCS_pixel, value, crpix, crval, cdelt - convert WCS coordinate value to pixel using crpix, crval, cdelt, asssuming linear projection (cartesian). The DPUser pixpos function does this including the correct projections.

function cvt_WCS_pixel_data, data, value, axis - converts pixel value to WCS for data for axis

function cvt_pixel_WCS_data, data, value, axis - reverse of cvt_WCS_pixel_data

function WCS_range, data, p1, p2, axis, prntflag - returns WCS coordinates as range [w1,w2] from pixel values [p1,p2] for axis on data, if prntflag=1, then print range

function pixel_range, data, w1, w2, axis, prntflag - returns pixel values as range [p1,p2] from WCS co-ordinates [w1,w2] for axis on data, if prntflag=1, then print range

function set_WCS_default, data - checks data has minimal WCS keys set (to 1 by default).

function get_WCS_image, image - Get axis 1 and 2 WCS data for image (can be cube) and calculates CDELT and rotation angle from CD keys; result is array of key values [CRPIX1, CRVAL1, CD1_1, CD1_2, CRPIX2, CRVAL2, CD2_1, CD2_2, CDELT1, CDELT2, CROTA2]

function set_WCS_image_scale, image, wcs2d, xscale, yscale - Rescales (e.g. for non-integer re-binning) using xscale and yscale and sets WCS data for image (or cube), including CD keys - removes CDELT and CROTA2 keywords. Input wcs2d is format as for get_WCS_image.

function hdr_get_fits_key, data, key - substitute for getfitskey with check that key exists; returns blank if not found.

function get_WCS_values, data - create WCS array [1,cv,cd] from dispersion data, calculated from first/last values and number of elements.

function WCS_cdelt_cd, cdelt1, cdelt2, rotang - converts WCS x,y pixel sizes (cdelt1, cdelt2) and rotation angle (rotang) to CD matrix values. Returns vector [CD11, CD12, CD21, CD22].

procedure set_cd_keys, data, cdkeys - sets CD keys in FITS header of data from vector cdkeys (in same format as WCS_cdelt_cd function) and deletes the CDELT1/2 keys.

function WCS_shift_pix, inbuff, xshift, yshift, sec - shift image astrometry by altering the CRPIX1,2 values (useful to align images). xshift, yshift - amount to shift in axis 1 and 2 respectively, sec (default 0), if =0, shifts in pixels, else in seconds of arc. Note for seconds of arc shift, you must mutiply RA seconds of time by 15.


Data cube functions

function cube_trim_xy, cube, x1, x2, y1, y2- sets cube to zero for x<x1, x>x2, y<y1, y>y2 (cblank cube first)

function cube_trim_wl, cube, w1, w2, value, trimflag - sets cube to value (usually zero) for l < l1, l > l2 in axis 3 using WCS (cblank cube first). If trimflag=1, then truncate the cube outside the wavelength range.

function cube_spectrum_mask, cube, mask, level - mask cube on spectral wavelength with mask (pixel pairs), set masked pixels to level

function cube_clip, cube, lvl, thresh, mask - clips cube <0 and > lvl in image (x-y) plane, does dpixapply using threshold, cube is spectrally masked

function cube_clip_y, cube, lvl, thresh - as above, but in the x-z plane

function cube_interp_z, cube, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2 - interpolate cube in image plane over rectangle [x1:x2,y1:y2] in each of wavelength plane [z1:z2]

function cube_interp_x, cube, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1,z2 - interpolate cube in image plane over rectangle [y1:y2,z1:z2] in each of spatial range [x1:x2]

function cube_interp_y, cube, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1,z2 - interpolate cube in image plane over rectangle [x1:x2,z1:z2] in each of spatial range [y1:y2]

function cube_interp_xy, cube, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1,z2 - as above, but interpolate over wavelength [z1:z2] in the xy plane

function cube_set_value, cube, x1, x2, y1, y2, z, xv, yv - set rectangle [x1:x2,y1:y2] at image plane z to value at [xv, yv]

function cube_pixfix_xy, cube, pixfixdata, n - fix cube using cube_interp_xy function, n sets, pixfixdata is n x 6 array [x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2].

function cube_single_pixel_fix, cube, x, y - do cube_interp_xy for all z axis for single spaxel

procedure cube_bit_nan, cube,x,y - set spaxel [x,y] to 0/0 along whole cube z axis

function cube_clean_dpix, cube, scale - Clean cube by dpixcreate/apply, the threshold for dpixcreate is set from maximum of median image divided by scale.

function cube_resize_center, cube, xcent, ycent, xsize, ysize, subpix - resize cube to size xsize,ysize and center on pixel [xcen,ycen]. By default, ycent=xcent, xsize, ysize= *xcent**2. If subpix=1, perform sub-pixel shifting on the cube, else shift by integer pixels (default)

function cube_shift_xy, cube, xshift, yshift - sub-pixel shifts cube by [xshift, yshift]

function cube_redisp, cube, disp_old, disp_new, prnt - redisperses cube (axis 3) to new from disp_old to disp_new dispersion spectra by interpolation. If prnt <> 0, print diagnostics.

function cube_symm_flip, cube, lambda, width, part - symmetrically flip cube about wavelength lambda, part =0 (left) or 1 (right), trims cube to lambda+-width

function cube_rotate, cube, xcen, ycen, rot_angle, pixscale - rotate cube on center [xcen,ycen] by rot_angle, setting pixscale in arcsec/pixel. This is used because the rotate function does not work on cubes.

function cube_centroids, cube - get centroids at each wavelength layer (z axis). Returns a FITS array of dimensions naxis3(cube) x 2, with x and y centroids at each pixel layer. The wavelength WCS is set.

function cube_centroids_gauss, cube, xe, ye, we, mask - get centroid at each pixel layer, with estimated center at [xe,ye] over fitting window we. The spectrum is masked by mask (if not zero or not entered).

function cube_centroid_gauss_align, cube, xc, yc, xe, ye, we, mask - align cube centroids at each pixel layer, using [xe, ye, we, mask] are the estimate parameters of the peak (as for cube_centroids_gauss), with the centroids aligned to [xc, yc].

function cube_cont_slope, cube, mask - returns image with continuum slope at each spaxel of cube, masked by wavelength pairs mask

function cube_spectrum_add, cube, spectrum, x1, x2, y1, y2 - adds spectrum to cube for each spaxel. If any of x1, x2, y1, y2 are set to zero, then perform the action over the pixel range. By default (not given), these are set to zero. To subtract spectrum, add by negative.

function cube_spectrum_multiply, cube, spectrum, x1, x2, y1, y2 - multiply cube by spectrum as for cube_spectrum_add. To divide by spectrum, multiply by inverse.

function cube_set_pixlayers, cube, pixl, p1, p2 - set cube layers [p1, p2] to the values for layer pixl.

function cube_wavelength_correct, cube, correction - corrects the wavelength solution at each spaxel by shifting the spectrum. correction is an image of the same dimensions as the cube x and y axes and is in same units as the spectral axis of cube.

function cube_velocity_correct, cube, velmodel - applies a velocity field model velmodel (in km/s) to each spaxel of cube. Each spaxel is re-dispersed by intepolation.

function cube_to_2d, cube - Convert data cube to 2d apertures for IRAF. Returns a 2D array with spectrum on the x-axis and all spaxels on the y axis.

function cube_set_flags_nan, cube, layer - set up flags image for cube_interp_flags, from a data cube (e.g. a velmap) from layer. This retuens an image with same dimensions as x and y axes as the cube, with 1 where pixel in “NaN”, 0 else.

function cube_interp_flags, cube, flags, xi1, xi2, yi1, yi2, dmax - interpolate over pixels in cube where flags is set to 1, 0 = good values to use for interpolation. [xi1:xi2, yi1:yi2] is region to interpolate (xi1 = 0 - do whole area). dmax is maximum distance from “good” pixels. flags can be generated from cube_set_flags_nan.

function cube_deslope, cube, mask, wlflag - deslope cube for each spectrum using spectrum_deslope. wlflag = 1 if mask values in wavelength

function cube_clean_pixels, cube, layer, npix - Remove singleton pixels surrounded by Nan’s, opposite of cube_interp_flags, used to clean up boundaries etc. npix is max number of good pixels around each pixel before blanking.

function cube_radial_spectrum, cube, xc, yc, rstep, nstep, ann - Radial spectra of cube, centered [xc,yc] radial steps rstep, number of steps nstep. If ann=1, output annular spectra

function cube_from_image_spectrum, image, spectrum - Creates a cube from an image and spectrum. Wavelength axis of cube is spectrum scaled by image value.

function cube_rebinxy, cube, xscale, yscale, kernel - Rebin cube or image pixel scaling in x and y directions by xscale, yscale. Uses the interpolate dpuser function with kernel kernel. Note this function DOES NOT handle the WCS co-ordinates scaling; use get_WCS_cube and set_WCS_cube_scale functions.

function cube_rebinfrac, inbuff, xscale, yscale - Rebins cube (image) to xscale, yscale using fractional binning. Note comments about WCS values as above.

function cube_rebinx, cube, xscale - Rebin cube (image) pixel scaling in x direction ONLY. Uses the interpol dpuser function (quicker than interpolate). Note comments about WCS values as above.

function cube_combine_avg, mef, omit - combine cubes by averaging. mef is a multi-extension fits list, omit is a value to reject in the averaging. If not provided or set to 0/0, then no rejection is done. mef is created from mutiple cubes (up to 10) by e.g. mef = list(buffer1, buffer2, buffer3, ....)

function cube_combine_median, mef, omit - median combine cubes as for cube_combine_avg.

function cube_apply_snr, signal, snr, snrscale - adds noise to a signal cube using signal-to-noise ratio snr, multiplied by factor snrscale (default 1). snr can be a single value, a spectrum which is applied at each spaxel, an image where a single value is applied at each spaxel or a cube with different values at each pixel. The noise is a random gaussian value with standard deviation of the applicable SNR.


Image functions

function image_erodenan, image - erode image, pixels set to Nan if any neighbour is Nan.

function image_smooth, image, smooth - smooth image with NaN values - smooth integer=boxcar, non-integer=gaussian.

function image_interp_x, image, x1, x2, y1, y2 - as for cube_interp_xy, but for single image .

function image_interp_y, image, x1, x2, y1, y2 - as for cube_interp_x, but for single image .

function image_interp_xy, image, x1, x2, y1, y2 - as for cube_interp_y, but for single image .

function image_from_profile, profile, xp, yp, xc, yc - create 2D image from 1D profile, size of output image is xp x yp , [xc, yc] - center of rebuilt profile

function image_bfilter, image, order, cutoff - Butterworth filter an image, assume square image, filter order =order, cutoff =Nyquist cutoff (0-1)

function image_enclosed_flux, inbuff, xc, yc, r, smth - Get enclosed flux within radius r from [xc, yc] (pixels). If smth>0, Gaussian smooth the output

function image_avg, image, x, y, s - average value of image in square aperture [x,y] +-s pixels.

function image_structure, image, psf - Returns structure map from image and psf by formula image/(imagepsf) x psf^T, "⊗”=convolution, "^T" = transpose.

function image_interp_flags, image, flags, xi1, xi2, yi1, yi2, dmax - Interpolate image over flagged spaxels, flags - 2D data with same x/y axes size as image, with value=1 to be interpolated, value=0 - good pixels, [xi1:xi2, yi1:yi2] - co-ordinate range to interpolate over. If not input, then do all spaxels. dmax - maximum pixel distance for interpolation (=0 don't test)

function image_cut, image, x, y, a - does twodcut at [x,y] angle a and reset WCS correctly


Spectrum functions

function spectrum_make_disp, val, delt, pix, n - make 1D vector over range defined by WCS val, delt, pix, n.

function spectrum_make_disp_data, data, axis - make 1D vector over range defined by WCS values from data axis (1,2 or 3)

function spectrum_make_disp_n, val1, val2, n - make 1D vector over range [val1:val2], number of points n

function spectrum_mask, spectrum, mask, value, wlflag - spectrum set to value between pixel pairs in mask. Works for 1D or 3D, assuming last axis is spectrum. wlflag =0, mask is in pixels, =1, mask is in wavelength. value is usually 0/0 to blank masked sections for polynomial fitting.

function spectrum_cont_slope, spectrum, mask, wlflag - continuum slope of spectrum, masked by wavelength mask/wlflag (as for spectrum_mask)

function spectrum_deslope, spectrum, mask, wlflag - deslope spectrum, using spectrum_cont_slope and mask/wlflag parameters

function spectrum_polyfit, spectrum, order, mask, wlflag - fit polynomial of order to masked spectrum with mask, wlflag. Returns n x 3 array, 1st row=original data masked, 2nd row=polynomial fit, 3rd row = residual

function spectrum_symm_flip, spectrum, lambda, part - split spectrum at wavelength lambda, flip and add, taking left (part=0) or right (part=1) sections

function spectrum_wave_to_lambda, spectrum, l1, l2, nl - converts a wavenumber spectrum to a wavelength spectrum. l1..l2 are a wavelength range to interpolate over with nl points. By default, the wavelength range and number of points of the original spectrum are used. WCS values are set.

function spectrum_wave_to_lambda, wndata - convert wavenumber spectrum wndata to wavelength (nm) with same axis length

function spectrum_make_gauss, spectrum, bi, bs, h, l, w - make spectrum with gaussian from spectrum WCS. bi, bs - base intercept and slope, h - height, lc - center wavelength, w - FWHM (creates artificial gaussian emission line).

function spectrum_make_lorentz, spectrum, bi, bs, h, lc, w - as for spectrum_make_gauss but makes a Lorentzian emission line.

function spectrum_redisp_lin, spectrum, data, daxis, xmin,delt, npix, zero, norms, prnt, fluxcons - re-disperse a spectrum. Parameters are:

  • data - data with dispersal solution (if =0 then use parameters for dispersion)
  • daxis - spectral axis of data (default is last axis of data)
  • xmin, delt, npix - dispersion solution if data=0
  • zero - if =1, then set redispersed spectra to zero where out of original range, rather than NaN (=0)
  • norms - if =1, normalize dispersed spectra [0,1] (default 0)
  • prnt - if =1, print spectral range information (default 0)
  • fluxcons - if = 1, spectrum is flux, rather than flux density, so conserve total (default 0)

function spectrum_from_xy, spectrum - re-disperse spectrum from 2D x and y bintable to wavelength range and same number of points.

function spectrum_from_tablexy, data, l1, l2, npix, xscl, yscl - re-disperse spectrum from 2D x and y bintable to wavelength range l1..l2 and number of points npix. x and y values are scaled by xscl and yscl respectively.

function spectrum_redisp, spectrum, l1, l2, npix, xscl, yscl - as for spectrum_from_tablexy but from standard spectrum.

function spectrum_from_dataxy, xdata, ydata, l1, l2, npix, xscl, yscl - re-disperse spectrum from 2D x and y data to wavelength range [w1, w2] with step delt.

function spectrum_interp, spectrum, x1, x2 - Smooth over bad pixels [x1:x2].

function spectrum_sn, spectrum, window - Estimate spectrum S/N from itself - not 100% accurate but good for comparisons, window is smoothing and noise estimation window. Returns vector of same length as spectrum with S/N estimate, blank where spectrum is 0.

function spectrum_clean, inbuff, thresh - clean spectrum using dpixcreate/dpixapply. If thresh is not sepecifed the threshold for dpixcreate is set to median(spectrum)/2.

function spectrum_apply_snr, signal, snr - as for cube_apply_snr. snr can be a single value or spectrum.

function spectrum_wave_to_vel, inbuff, clambda - returns inbuff with wavelength axis changed to velocity, with zero value at clambda.


Input/output to and from text and fits files

function io_text_FITS_1D, bintable2d - converts string array buffer bintable2d with format of "wavelength, data" to spectrum fits data, setting WCS values. Assumes wavelength is evenly spaced. Note import function of QFitsView does very similar (with more parameters).

function io_text_FITS_3D, bintable2d, nx, ny, nz, blank - converts string array buffer bintable2d, with format of “i,j,v1,v2..." to fits data cube size [nx,ny,nz]. Default value for resulting cube is blank (e.g. 0 or 0/0) - can have missing [i,j].

function io_text_FITS_interp, fname, xstart, xdelta, xnum, xscale, yscale, ignore - converts text from file fname, with format of "wavelength, data" to spectrum fits data, setting WCS values. The values are interpolated to the range defined by xstart, xdelta and xnum. Wavelength and data value are scaled by xscale, yscale (default 1). Ignore lines at the start are skipped (e.g. column headers).

function io_FITS_text_1D, spectrum, prefix, cutoff - converts spectrum to text, CSV format, line 1 = “prefix__Wavelength, prefix_Counts”. Values below cutoff (non-zero) are set to “NaN” (Be aware of QFitsView Edit > Copy functionality)

function io_FITS_text_2D, image, prefix - converts image to text, CSV format, line 1 = “prefix_Wavelength, prefix_Flux_1, prefix_Flux_2 …. "

procedure io_FITS2TXT_1D, fname, cutoff - converts 1D FITS to text file fname assuming file is in working directory - output is same as input file with “.txt” type. Cutoff as for io_FITS_text_1D.

procedure io_FITS2TXT_2D, fname - as above but for image (2D) file

function io_cube_from_xyz, cube,bintable2d, n - make a cube from bintable2d, cube is template, resized to n on axis 3, first 2 values in data are x,y co-ords, rest are values along z axis

function io_import_TXT_1D, fname - import data from file fname in text format


Masking functions for images and cubes

function mask_from_image, image, level, low - create a mask from data image, setting to 1 if > level, to low (usually 0) if <level

function mask_from_image_nan, image, zero - create a mask from data image, setting to 1 if data value<>Nan. If zero = 0 or 1, set mask to Nan or 0 at Nan values.

function mask_data, image, level, low - masks data image, setting to low if < level

function mask_data_median, image, level, low - as above, but sets data image > level to median of image

function mask_circle, data, x, y, r, v, rev - masks data (image or cube) with circle center [x,y] radius r, set masked-out value to v (default 0). If rev<>0, reverse mask.

function mask_set_nan_min, data, minvalue - set data values to minvalue if value = Nan. If minvalue is zero, use the current minimum value. Equivalent to cblank function is minvalue=0

function mask_cone, data, xc1, yc1, xc2, yc2, pa, beta, maskflag - mask cone area over data (either image or cube), with equator [xc1, yc1], [xc2, yc2] (can be same coordinates for a point apex), centerline angle pa (from positive x-axis), internal full-angle beta. If maskflag=0, return the mask, if maskflag=1, return the masked input data.

function mask_line, data, x1, y1, x2, y2, side - creates a mask of data dimensions on one side of a line [x1, y1], [x2, y2]. side =0 for left, =1 for right side of line


Velocity map (velmap) extension functions

function velmap_std_to_ext, velmapstd, r, cmin, vmethod, vzero, vx, vy - convert standard QFitsView velmap velmapstd to extended form, r=instrumental resolution, cmin= minimum continuum value. Output is in extended velmap format - see below. Velocity zero is set by vmethod =

  • 0 - median
  • 1 - average
  • 2 - flux-weighted average
  • 3 - manual (vzero value)
  • 4 - pixel ([vx,vy] is set to zero)

function velmap_vel_center, velmapstd, vmethod, vcenter, vx, vy - returns the wavelength value from the standard velmapstd cube, using the methods as above

function velmap_vel, velmapstd, vmethod, vcenter, vx, vy - returns the velocity map from the standard velmapstd cube, using the methods as above

function velmap_vel_set, velmapext, vmethod, vcenter, vx, vy - Fix extended velmap velocity as per velmap_std_to_ext (re-do extended velmap cube)

function velmap_rescale, velmapext, scale - rescales extended velmap flux data (e.g. flux calib change)

function velmap_fix, velmap, contlo, conthi, flo, fhi, vlo, vhi, wlo, whi, setvalue - clean up velmap (either standard or extended form), setting values out of range to setvalue. Value ranges

  • contlo, conthi - continuum
  • flo, fhi - flux
  • vlo, vhi - wavelength
  • wlo, whi - fwhm
  • setvalue - value to set where spaxel is out of range (default 0/0)

function velmap_extcorr, velmap, av, lambda - extinction correct velocity map velmap at wavelength lambda (in nm), av=extinction A_V

function velmap_extcorr_map, velmap, extmap, lambda - as above, but extmap is a map of extinction values

function velmap_fix_interp, velmap, npix - interpolate velmap velmap missing values, indicated by Nan in continuum layer (i.e. layer 1) (usually after velmap_fix). npix is interpolation width maximum

function velmap_clean_map_wvt, velmap, map, nregion - Clean up velmap velmap based on WVT map region number, setting region nregion pixels to NaN

function velmap_mask, velmap - set velmap to Nan where continuum=0

procedure velmap_comps, velmapext, prefix, hmax - Output velmapext components from velmap, to the current working directory. prefix (string) sets file names, terminated with

  • _Flux - flux (layer 12)

  • _Flux_Norm - normalized flux (range [0..1])

  • _Vel - velocity (layer 10)

  • _EW - equivalent width (layer 13)

  • _Sig - dispersion (layer 11)

  • _VelHist - velocity histogram. If hmax > 0, a 50 bin histogram of the velocity with range hmax -> hmax

  • _SigHist - - dispersion histogram. If hmax > 0, a 50 bin histogram of the velocity with range 0->hmax

function velmap_from_profit, profit_data - convert profit_data PROFIT cube format (see Riffel, R. A. 2010, Astrophys Space Sci, 327, 239, http://arxiv.org/abs/1002.1585) to standard velmap format.

function velmap_derotate, cube, velmodel, lambdac - Subtract velocity model velmodel from a data cube, where the velocity is determined from central wavelength lambdac. This shifts each spaxel spectrum by a wavelength amount calculated by the central wavelength and velocity model. This might be used if you have, say, a stellar rotation model and you want to apply it to gas emission lines.


Channel map functions

function chmap_create, cube, lambda_cent, lambda_width, cutoff, width_factor, smooth - make a channel map from the cube

  • lambda_cent - estimate of central wavelength
  • lambda_width - estimate of FWHM
  • threshold - % of maximum for cutoff - default 0
  • width_factor - wavelength widow (multiple of lambda_width) - default 2.5
  • smooth - integer=boxcar, non-integer=gauss, 0=no smoothing - default 0

Returns a cube of channel maps, with axis 3 in velocity difference (km/s) from median. Spaxel values are FLUX (not flux density) in that channel

function chmap_rebin, cube, lnew, velwidth, sm, minval- rebin channel maps in cube into lnew bins between velocities v1 and v2 (usually symmetric about 0, but not necessarily), with sm smoothing value, integer=boxcar, non-integer=gauss, 0=no smoothing, set output to NaN where < minval

procedure chmap_comps, cube, dirout, fnameout - splits channel map cube into components and writes images to folder dirout, named fnameout plus velocity (e.g. if fnameout ="pa_beta-450”, then output file name will be e.g. "pa_beta-100.fits" etc.

function chmap_from_velmap, velmapstd, cube_template, width, res - create a channel map from a standard velmap velmapstd. The velmap is evaluated using cube_template, then the channel map is generated using the median velocity from the velmap with width multiplier (how far to extend the channels over the median FWHM) width (default 2.5). The FWHM is corrected by spectral resolution res (default 0).


Position Velocity Diagram functions

function pv_array, cube, ystart, wslit, nslit, lcent, lwidth - create pv diagram from cube parallel to x axis, ystart - y pixel to start, wslit - slit width, nslit - number of slits, extract over range lcent-lwidth to lcenter+lwidth

function pv_single, cube, xc, yc, angle, width, lcent, vwidth, npix, contflag - extract single PV plot at xc/yc/angle/width - centerered on lcent. vwidth - velocity width around lcent, rebinned in velocity to npix channels. contflag =1 subtract continuum (flux) =2 divide continuum (effectively the same as equivalent width) =0 don’t remove continuum

function pv_ratio, cube, xc, yc, angle, width, lcent1, lcent2, vwidth, npix - create PV diagram as above for ratio of 2 lines lcent1, lcent2

function pv_meddev, image - divide image by median along x axis (useful for EW for PV diagrams)


Weighted Voronoi Tesselation functions

function wvt_cube, cube, sn_target - make WVT cube using noise in each spaxel, to sn_target. Bad pixels where S/N is > 10x brightest pixel S/N

function wvt_cube_mask, cube, l1, l2, mask, cutoff, sn1, sn2 - make WVT cube using 2 S/N ratios, inside and outside mask. Returns WVT applied to cube.

  • l1, l2 - wavelength range to use for signal and noise determination (“quiet” part of spectrum with no emission lines)
  • mask - if 2D mask, use this. If mask=0, use cutoff to determine mask
  • cutoff - percentage of peak maximum for mask level
  • sn1, sn2 - S/N ratios for inside/outside mask. If sn2=0, just use sn1 over whole cube

function wvt_sn_mask, cube, l1, l2, mask, cutoff, sn1, sn2 - as for wvt_cube_mask, except returns WVT image data - layers:

  1. Signal
  2. Noise
  3. S/N
  4. Mask
  5. Signal binned
  6. Signal bin map
  7. Bin density (1=maximum - smallest bins , 0=minimum - biggest bins)

function wvt_build_from_map_cube, cube, wvtmap, prntflag - make WVT cube from cube and wvtmap. If prntflag =1 print diagnostic every 100 regions

function wvt_build_from_map_image, image, wvtmap - make WVT image from image and wvtmap.

function wvt_velmap, velmap, layer, sn - make WVT velmap from standard or extended velmap velmap, layer is either 0=continuum, 1=flux, sn=S/N target

function wvt_density, wvtmap - make map of region density, i.e. 1/# of pixels in region. wvtmap is WVT with /map flag.

function wvt_cube_to_specarray, cube, wvtmap, normflag, prntflag - convert cube inbuff to spectrum array, using wvtmap regions. If normflag = 1, divide each spectrum in array by the first one. If prntflag = 1, print running diagnostics

function wvt_specarray_to_cube, image, wvtmap - reverse of wvt_cube_to_specarray


Miscellaneous functions

function indexreform, index, xsize, ysize, zsize - returns 3D co-ords from 1D index, given dimensions xsize, ysize, zsize. Values returned as array.

function lognan, data - set log of data, setting zero and Nan values to Nan

function clipnan, data, low, high - set values outside range [low..high] to Nan

function axiscentroids, image, axis - returns centroids of each image row/column, row-axis=1, column-axis=2; used e.g. for finding centroids of pv diagram

function histogram_bin, data, low, high, bin, normflag - create a histogram from inbuff data (any dimensions), from low to high values in bin bins. Histogram is normalised if normflag =1. Output x-axis values are set to range.

function profile_export, data, scale1, scale2, scale3, offset - Export 1D profiles from data with up to 3 separate scales, e.g. arcsec, pc, Re plus the pixel scale, offset=1 offsets by 1/2 a pixel (e.g. for log scale plot) (default 0). Scales default to 1 if not given.

function butterworth_filter, order, cutoff, size - Create a Butterworth filter for order order for a square of sides size, with cutoff Nyquist frequency.

function interp, data, x, x1, x2 - linearly interpret over data at position x over x1-x2. Used to image_interp_flags and cube_interp_flags

function fits_round, inbuff - returns inbuff with all values rounded.The ESO pipeline for the SOFI instrument required this for raw images - if these had been manually flat-fielded, the pipeline failed.

function inf_clean, inbuff - returns inbuff with all values of "1/0" (i.e. Inf) set to 0/0 (i.e. Nan).


General astronomy functions, implemented from IDL.

function G - gravitational constant (MKS)

function Msun - Mass of the sun in kg

function Pc - 1 Parsec in meters

function airtovac, wave - Convert air wavelengths to vacuum wavelengths, wave in Å

function planck, wave, temp - Calculates the Planck function in units of ergs/cm2/s/Å. wave in Å, temp in degrees K.

function coordstring, ra, dec, rad - create a nice string of celestial coordinates. ra and dec should be given in radians; if rad>0, convert to degrees. Example: print coordstring(9.1234,5.678,1) RA = 0h 36m 29.62s, DEC = + 5d 40' 40.8"


General astrophysics functions.

All the "lib_astro_*.dpuser" functions are executed from the "lib_astro.dpuser" script.

function redshift_data, data, z, rdflag, nanflag, smth, fcons - redshift data by z, assuming last axis is wavelength. WCS values set. If rdflag = 1, redisperse shifted data to same wavelength range as input. If nanflag=1, set nans in output at same pixels as in input. If smth>0, smooth by no. of pixels. If fcons=1, conserve total values.

function bb_make,t, l1, l2, npix, wlflag - make black-body function at temparture t, wavelength range l1 to l2, number of pixels n, wlflag=0, wavelength in A, =1=> nm, =2 => um

function bb_make_log, t, l1, l2, npix, scale, cutoff - make bb at temp t over log wavelength [l1,l2] (in log meters), creating spectrum length npix, multiply wavelengths by scale (to convert to e.g. nm), set result to Nan where below cutoff.

function bb_div, spectrum, temp - divide spectrum by black-body at temperature t

function extinction_calc, f1, f2, l1, l2, rat, galext, s, flmin1, flmin2- create an extinction map from 2 emission line maps - f1, f2 are flux maps, l1, l2=wavelengths, rat=expected flux ratio, galext=galactic extinction, smth= smooth pixels, flmin1, flmin2=minimum flux value for each map - calculates the extinction constant (CCM laws for IR and optical)

function extinction_correct, cube, av - correct cube for extinction (av =single value for extinction) - wavelength from axis 3

function extinction_correct_map, cube, av - correct cube for extinction (av =extinction map) - wavelength from axis 3.

function extinction_correct_lambda, data, av, lambda - correct value/image for extinction av at wavelength lambda: can be used on value or image


Astronomy functions (mapping and excitation diagrams)

function map_compare_diagram, image1, image2, min1, max1, min2, max2, nbin, lgaxesflag - Map diagram density plot. image1, image2 - value maps, x and y axes. min1/2, max1/2 - min and maximum values for axes 1/2. nbin - no of bins on each axis. lgaxesflag - 1=plot in log space (min,max must be in log values). Generates e.g. BPT diagrams

function map_compare_pos, image1, image2, image3, image4, x, y, boxsize - get 2 sets of map ratios (image1/image2, image3/image4)at position [x,y], averaged over boxsize x boxsize pixels (e.g. excitation ratios at feature position)

function map_basis_distance, basex0, basey0, basex100, basey100, x1, x2, y1, y2, size - creates an image (dimensions size, limits (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) of distance from basis points 0 to 100% [basex0, basey0] to [basex100, basey100] - for use in AGN mixing ratios for contour values.

function map_compare_basis, image1, image2, basex0, basey0, basex100, basey100, lgaxesflag - plots basis distance (AGN mixing ratio) from basis points [basex0, basey0] to [basex100, basey100] . lgaxesflag - 1=take log of image1, image2 before calculation

function map_regime_ir, image1, image2, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2 - create position excitation map. If a1=0, use the standard infrared Riffel 2013 excitation regimes. image1 is H_2/Br_gamma, image2 is [Fe II]/Pa_beta. Both in log values. Output values at each spaxel are SF=1, AGN=2, LINER=3, TO1=4, TO2=5

function map_regime_optical, image1, image2, typeflag- create position excitation map for optical line ratios (image1 and image2) from Kewley et al. 2006 regimes. typeflag = 1 ([N II]/H_alpha diagram), =2 ([S II]/H_alpha diagram), =3 ([O I]/H_alpha diagram). Returns 1=SF, 2=Seyfert, 3=LINER, 4=Composite


Astronomy functions (spectrum)

function spec_fluxdens, spectrum, l1, l2, prflag - flux density (counts/nm) for spectrum between l1 and l2 wavelength; returns a single value. If prflag<>0, print results as well.

function spec_sn, spectrum, l1, l2 - Compute S/N for spectrum over wavelength region l1-l2, using median rather than average, as more robust.

function spec_wave_to_vel, spectrum, lambda - Convert spectrum wavelength axis to velocity, with zero velocity wavelength lambda .


Astronomy functions (image)

function img_aphot_annular, image, xcen, ycen, r, ib, ob - aperture photometry on image,centered on [xcen,ycen]; aperture r, background annulus from ib to ob (inner to outer boundary). If ib and ob are zero, set to r and 2*r

function img_apphot_simple, image, xcen, ycen, r, pixsize, scale - simple aperture photometry on image,centered on [xcen,ycen]; aperture r.

function img_flux_to_mag, image, zpm, ssize, zpflag - convert flux image to mag, zpm is either zero-point magnitude (zpflag=0) or zero-magnitude flux (zpflag=1 - default). ssize = pixel size in arcsec to convert to mag/arcsec^2 (default 1). This can also work for a single number, in which case ssize is set to 1.

function img_convert_filters, image1, image2, coeffs12, coeffs21, tol - Convert images in 2 filters to another filter set using the methodology of Holtzman, J. A., Burrows, C. J., Casertano, S., et al. 1995, PASP, 107, 1065. The coefficients (coeff12 and coeffs21) for WFPC2/WFC3 are from Holtzmann, for ACS from Sirianni, et al. 2005, PASP, 117, 1049. The tolerance for the result is where the maximum magnitude change on each iteration is less than tol.

Example - for conversion from ACS (WFC) F606W and F814W images to V−I colour image, the coefficient sets (Table 22 of Sirianni et al.) are: coeffs12 - [26.325, 0.236, 0.000] coeffs21 - [25.485, -0.002, 0.000]

The function returns a cube with 3 layers, (1) filter result 1 e.g. V (2) filter result 2 e.g I (3) difference e.g. V-I, as well as printing iteration and result diagnostics.

function img_SFD_dust_pos, dustimgn, dustimgs, lat, long - returns galactic dust extinction value, as per Schlegel et al. 1998, ApJ, 500, 525. lat and long are galactic co-ordinates. dustimgn and dustimgs are the dust mappings, north and south. The standard for E(B-V) is the "SFD_dust_4096" maps, but others can be used - these are all downloadable from https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/EWCNL5.

function img_SF_dust_pos, dustimgn, dustimgs, lat, long - as above but corrects the E(B-V) as per Schlafly, E. F., & Finkbeiner, D. P. 2011, Astrophys J, 737, 103.


Astronomy functions (cube)

function cube_apspec, cube, ox, oy, or, bx, by, br, br2, mask - Get star spectrum from cube withusing circular aperture and background, plus a mask circle.

  • ox, oy, or - center and radius of aperture
  • bx, by, br - center and radius of mask, if not required then bx = 0
  • br2 - inner radius of mask annulus (default 0). This annulus allows the background to be centered the same as the aperture (in which case br2 > or)
  • mask - any other mask required (2D fits) (default none)

Output is spectrum of aperture less average of background (with mask) - values < 0 are set to Nan.

function cube_fluxdens, cube, l1, l2, prflag/function spec_fluxdens, spectrum, l1, l2, prflag - flux density (counts/nm) between l1 and l2 wavelength; returns image (cube_) or single (spec_) value. If prflag<>0, print results as well

function cube_sky_rem, cube, bckgnd_lvl - removes skylines from cube. Takes background pixels as those with median value below bkgnd_lvl

function cube_sl_clean, cube, skyline_list, width - removes skylines from cube using skyline_linelist (array of wavelengths) - interpolated over wavelength ± width

function cube_clean_bp_fix, cube, bp_cube - cleans cube based on bad pixel cube bp_cube using dpixapply over x image slices

function cube_clean_bp, cube, threshold - create bad pixel cube using threshold scanning over wavelength slices.

function cube_clean_bp_limits, cube, ll, ul - create bad pixel cube from cube for input to clean_cube_bp_fix, flagging pixels below ll and above ul values


function velmodel_plummer, x0, y0, M0, Re, psi0, inc, xsize, ysize, pixscale, angscale - create a Plummer kinematic rotation model velocity field in km/s. This can be applied to a cube by e.g. cube_velocity_correct. x0, y0 - centre pixel position M0 - enclosed mass (units of Msun) Re - length scale (pc) psi0 - line of nodes (default 0 - counterclockwise from +ve X axis) i - inclination of disk (0-90, 0 = face-on - default) xsize, ysize - image size (by default, twice x0, y0) pixscale - pixel scale in arcsec (default 1) angscale - angular scale in pc/arcsec (default 1)

function velmodel_hernquist, x0, y0, M0, Re, psi0, inc, xsize, ysize, pixscale, angscale - as for velmodel_plummer for Hernquist kinematic rotation model.

function velmodel_geom, x0, y0, psi0, inc, xsize, ysize - computes the geometric components of rotational models, with parameters as above. Returns data [xsize, ysize, 2] - first layer is rotational component, second layer is radial component. These are independant of the particular model form.

Standard Procedures

Velocity maps

  • Create QFitsView velmap with wavelength, fwhm estimate
  • Examine velmap for continuum, height, wavelength and fwhm “sensible” ranges
  • Use velmap_fix to clean up velmap, entering "good" ranges for each fit component. This sets out-of-range spaxels to Nan.
  • Use velmap_fix_interp to interpolate over NaN values (if required)
  • Use velmap_std_to_ext to create extended velmap format

Standard VELMAP Format

  1. Continuum
  2. Peak height above continuum
  3. Wavelength
  4. FWHM
  5. e_Continuum
  6. e_Peak
  7. e_Wavelength
  8. e_FWHM
  9. Chi-squared

Extended VELMAP Format

  1. Continuum
  2. Peak height above continuum
  3. Wavelength
  4. FWHM
  5. e_Continuum
  6. e_Peak
  7. e_Wavelength
  8. e_FWHM
  9. Chi-squared
  10. Velocity (zero-point calculated/set by method parameter in the velmap_std_to_ext function)
  11. Dispersion (sigma) velocity, corrected for spectral resolution
  12. Flux (Peak*FWHM*1.0699)
  13. Equivalent width (flux/continuum)
  14. Total support (order + turbulence) (√)
  15. Order vs turbulence (|V/σ|)

Channel maps

  • Create basic channel map using chmap_create (usually do not smooth)
  • Rebin to required # of channels (e.g. 9 or 16) using chmap_rebin (smoothing if required)
  • Output individual channel maps using chmap_comps