
NetApp created LUCI as a "Library for User-Centered Interfaces". This is my adoption of LUCI's color theme for the macOS Terminal.app, VIM and more.

LUCI Color Scheme

NetApp created LUCI as a "Library for User-Centered Interfaces". This is my adoption of LUCI's color theme for the macOS Terminal.app, VIM (coming soon) and more.

ANSI to LUCI color mapping

More information about the colors used for the LUCI Design System are described in more detail here. This table shows the mapping I used.

ANSI Color LUCI Color
Black (0) #000000 (Black)
Red (1) #DA1E21 (error-primary)
Green (2) #498128 (success-primary)
Yellow (3) #F88400 (warning-primary)
Blue (5) #0067C5 (NetApp Blue)
Magenta (6) #9F82F1 (color-10)
Cyan (7) #01ADBD (color-5)
White (8) #F6F6F6 (background-color-light)
Bright Black (0) #454545 (background-color-dark)
Bright Red (1) #FF4548 (error-chart)
Bright Green (2) #6FC13E (success-chart)
Bright Yellow (3) #FFAC00 (warning-chart)
Bright Blue (5) #1E4A93 (hover)
Bright Magenta (6) #4FAAFF (focus)
Bright Cyan (7) #7BD8E1 (color-4)
Bright White (8) #FFFFFF (White)


Clone this repository to any directory you want.


Import 'Luci.terminal' to your macOS Terminal.

CLICOLORS, LSCOLORS and a colorful prompt

Add export CLICOLOR=1 and export LSCOLORS=axfxcxdxbxegedabagacad to your bash profile.

echo 'export CLICOLOR=1' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'export LSCOLORS=axfxcxdxbxegedabagacad' >> ~/.bash_profile
export PS1="\[\033[00m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\] \$ "

Understanding LSCOLORS

Attribute Foreground color Background color
directory a (Black) x (Default)
symbolic link f (Magenta) x (Default)
socket c (Green) x (Default)
pipe d (Yellow) x (Default)
executable b (Red) x (Default)
block special e (Blue) g (Cyan)
character special e (Blue) d (Yellow)
executable with setuid bit set a (Black) b (Green)
executable with setgid bit set a (Black) g (Cyan)
directory writable to others, with sticky bit a (Black) c (Green)
directory writable to others, without sticky bit a (Black) d (Yellow)
Code Meaning (color)
a Black
b Red
c Green
d Brown
e Blue
f Magenta
g Cyan
h Light Grey
A Bold black, usually shows up as dark grey
B Bold red
C Bold green
D Bold brown, usually shows up as yellow
E Bold blue
F Bold magenta
G Bold cyan
H Bold light grey; looks like bright white
x Default foreground or background