- 0
please insert RatedMovies
#86 opened by xoceunder - 0
Error Handler
#83 opened by kevingorman1000 - 0
this genre data
#82 opened by xoceunder - 0
imdb tv id get data not working
#81 opened by lyarinet - 0
A missed quote in README.markdown
#80 opened by Cameron41 - 0
Auto suggest in search
#79 opened by ChrisTERiS - 0
- 0
Get Production (Aired) Year for TV Show
#77 opened by ChrisTERiS - 0
getImageURL not working
#75 opened by nvsmith34 - 1
I cant get the backdrop
#74 opened by aruznieto - 11
List of film genres
#62 opened by DarKl4ne - 5
Empty youtube video problem
#63 opened by DarKl4ne - 16
Errer Showing
#61 opened by lyarinet - 1
episodes images not working
#73 opened by lyarinet - 3
how to show movie certification
#68 opened by lyarinet - 3
Num of episodes in seasons loop
#72 opened by ChrisTERiS - 3
Trailer in TV Show
#70 opened by ChrisTERiS - 0
setAPIKey not working
#69 opened by lyarinet - 1
No ../tmdb-api.php file included, on this code
#60 opened by ArmanKT - 2
How to get Movie/TV/Person search page ?
#58 opened by omar-elhamedy - 4
Undefined index: movie_credits
#57 opened by omar-elhamedy - 1
Movie Directors - class Person error
#54 opened by miterial - 3
how to get backdrop poster
#53 opened by lyarinet - 7
examples not working api problem
#52 opened by lyarinet - 1
List movie genres in link
#40 opened by orig921 - 1
Get Release Dates
#46 opened by yordanoff - 1
trailers are always empty
#41 opened by kirkdm - 9
how to get crew for movie Persons
#48 opened by lyarinet - 7
- 1
Warning: Illegal string
#44 opened by slaymantis - 0
#38 opened by cyril94440 - 0
Display Popular movies
#39 opened by orig921 - 3
- 0
- 1
Error when running the example code
#29 opened by wuhaa11 - 3
Tv shows
#11 opened by tvstreamscript - 1
List Action movies
#28 opened by orig921 - 1
how to get runtime
#26 opened by tdguchi - 2
- 1
Find by IMDB ID
#18 opened by nashornalarm - 1
I want add some function
#23 opened by tnsws - 1
In the README you have bug
#22 opened by baltazorbest - 1
getPopularMovies seems to be broken
#27 opened by modulareverything - 2
How can I get imdb id of show?
#25 opened by ibrahimmumcu - 2
Example File Not Working
#7 opened by seanjames - 4
director name and other fields not picked
#13 opened by tdguchi - 2
Wrong code in readme file
#8 opened by JeroenDelbroek - 1
Great class!
#9 opened by webiummedia - 1
Notice: Undefined variable
#5 opened by werozen - 1