
This repository is dedicated to Track 2 of the W-CODA 2024 Workshop, "Multimodal Perception and Comprehension of Corner Cases in Autonomous Driving," held at ECCV 2024.

Primary LanguagePython

W-CODA2024 Track2: Corner Case Scene Generation

This repository is dedicated to the evaluation of W-CODA2024 Challenge Track2, from the "Multimodal Perception and Comprehension of Corner Cases in Autonomous Driving" workshop held at ECCV 2024.

How to Submit?

Please check our website for registration and detailed guideline.

Take our baseline as an example. To generate the submission, first, run video generation through:

cd ${MagicDrive_root}
python workshop/test_submit.py \
	resume_from_checkpoint=magicdrive-t-log/links/with_sweeps/SDv1.5mv-rawbox-t_2023-12-04_17-51_2.0t_0.4.3/weight-E4-S77040/ \
	task_id=track2 ++runner.validation_index=all \
    ++dataset.data.val.ann_file=data/nuscenes_mmdet3d-12Hz/nuscenes_interp_12Hz_infos_track2_eval.pkl \
    show_box=false runner.validation_times=4

or with multiple gpus, e.g., 8

cd ${MagicDrive_root}
accelerate launch --gpu_ids all --num_processes 8 workshop/test_submit.py \
	resume_from_checkpoint=magicdrive-t-log/links/with_sweeps/SDv1.5mv-rawbox-t_2023-12-04_17-51_2.0t_0.4.3/weight-E4-S77040/ \
	task_id=track2 ++runner.validation_index=all \
    ++dataset.data.val.ann_file=data/nuscenes_mmdet3d-12Hz/nuscenes_interp_12Hz_infos_track2_eval.pkl \
    show_box=false runner.validation_times=4

You will get the results at path like magicdrive-t-log/submission/SDv1.5mv-rawbox-t_2024-06-10_11-08_track2 with content like:

├── frames/  # this is the one we need
├── *.mp4
└── ...

Then run

# this command run for one ${token}
cd ${MagicDrive_root}
python workshop/make_video_from_imgs.py \
	magicdrive-t-log/submission/SDv1.5mv-rawbox-t_2024-06-10_11-08_track2/frames \
    ${TOKEN} \
	--subfix "["_gen0", "_gen1", "_gen2", "_gen3"]"

# this command run for all tokens for submission (150x4=600 videos)
cd ${MagicDrive_root}
python workshop/make_video_from_imgs.py \
	magicdrive-t-log/submission/SDv1.5mv-rawbox-t_2024-06-10_11-08_track2/frames \
    all --subfix "["_gen0", "_gen1", "_gen2", "_gen3"]"

The video for submission will be located in magicdrive-t-log/submission/video. Now, you can rename the folder video to ${teamname}_standard and submit.

Evaluation Guidelines

The evaluation metrics used in this codebase are designed to assess the performance of submissions for the ECCV2024 Workshop. Below are the detailed guidelines and requirements for participants:

Evaluation Metrics

  • mAP (Mean Average Precision from 3D object detection task)
  • mIoU (Mean Intersection over Union for BEV segmentation task)
  • FVD (Fréchet Video Distance)


  • We use BEVFormer for mAP and mIoU evaluation.
  • Because BEVFormer utilizes key frame information, we only evaluate the detection and segmentation results on the 3 key frames within the 16-frame sequences.
  • Our code is based on the results in submission format. Please be prepared before proceed.

Get Started

Clone this repo

git clone --single-branch https://github.com/pixeli99/W-CODA2024-Track2.git

Setup python environment and pre-trained weights.

Add soft-link to data and magicdrive-t-log (please refer to MagicDrive for the content).

cd ${ROOT}
ln -s /PATH/TO/data
ln -s /PATH/TO/magicdrive-t-log

Make sure you have data/nuscenes_mmdet3d_2/nuscenes_infos_temporal_val_3keyframes.pkl. If not, please download from the homepage of track2.

Test FVD


cd ${ROOT}
# step 1: generate features for original data
python get_fvd_features_nusc.py \
	--data_info data/nuscenes_mmdet3d-12Hz/nuscenes_interp_12Hz_infos_track2_eval.pkl \
	--out_dir magicdrive-t-log/evaluation/fvd

# step 2: generate features for generated data
python get_fvd_features_gen.py \
	--vid_root magicdrive-t-log/submission/video \
    --out_dir magicdrive-t-log/evaluation/fvd

# step 3: fvd calculation
python fvd_from_npy.py \
	magicdrive-t-log/evaluation/fvd/fvd_feats_ori.npy \

Test mAP & mIoU

Before testing, we need to decode the video into image format and re-build the meta infos.

cd ${ROOT}
python decode_video.py \
	--video_root magicdrive-t-log/submission/video \
    --gen_root magicdrive-t-log/evaluation/generated_samples \
    --data_info data/nuscenes_mmdet3d_2/nuscenes_infos_temporal_val_3keyframes.pkl

You will have the results like:

├── gen_samples_0  # the structure is the same as `nuscenes/samples`
│   ├── CAM_BACK/
│   └── ...
├── gen_samples_1/
├── gen_samples_2/
├── gen_samples_3/
├── nuscenes_infos_temporal_val_3keyframes_gen0.pkl
├── nuscenes_infos_temporal_val_3keyframes_gen1.pkl
├── nuscenes_infos_temporal_val_3keyframes_gen2.pkl
└── nuscenes_infos_temporal_val_3keyframes_gen3.pkl

Now you can run BEVFormer with

cd ${ROOT}
bash test_miou.sh \
	magicdrive-t-log/evaluation/generated_samples 8
# you can use as many gpus as you wish

The script will launch evaluation using each of the data infos, and calculate the average after all your data is evaluated. The results will be shown in the terminal. You can also find the results in log and average them:

  • magicdrive-t-log/evaluation/bevformer_base_seg_det_150x150/*/segmentation_result.json for mIoU
  • magicdrive-t-log/evaluation/bevformer_base_seg_det_150x150/*/pts_bbox/metrics_summary.json for mean_ap as the mAP.