Websocket# Echo server

websocket-echo is a simple websocket server in C# for testing out websocket clients

this server waits for a message and then once it receives a message it responds with the content of the message


The only library this project uses is websocket#-obranu but the official builds of websocket# should work fine

since this project was made using Mono it is compiled with msbuild server.csproj similar utilities from .NET FrameWork 4.7.2


The compiled binaries can be ran from the Mono runtime on Linux and Mono/.NET FW 4.72 on Windows

to execute the program on most linux distributions run

mono server.exe <port>

Rn command prompt you can run

server.exe <port>

Replace <port> with your desired port

To connect to the server you can use any common websocket client, there any many extensions for web browsers that accomplish this, along with standalone applications,

I personally recommend