
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/pweb-suite

Primary LanguagePerl


This Suite (formerly known as the "pCrack Suite") of tools is used primarily or web application vulnerability testing. This is an older project that began around May of 2011 and comes with every version of Weakerthan Linux starting at 4.

Tools Listing

CMS - WP_SniperWordpress vulnerability testing
File Inclusion - HelLFiRELFI vulnerability testing
File Inclusion - LogInject0rLFi - log injection exploit
Mathematics - FibonacciCalculates Fibonacci sequence with just two variables
Mathematics - PrimesPprime numbers generator
(OSINT) Online Resources - Havijmd5BFHavij Report file finder (Uses Google)
(OSINT) Online Resources - md5onlineMD5 Rainbow table lookup
(OSINT) Online Resources - pBincrackerPastebin passwords search
(OSINT) Online Resources - ripemd160onlineRIPEMD160 Rainbow table lookup
(OSINT) Online Resources - sha1onlineSHA1 Rainbow table lookup
(OSINT) Online Resources - sha1on256ineSHA256 Rainbow table lookup
Recon - FileScopeFile and Directory brute force tool
Recon - STGBSImple plain text Google Browser
SQL Injection - SMSQLiSimple MySQL Injector
Password Cracking - EtsyShadowCracking password from recovered /etc/shadow- file
Word List Generation - RePsychoLooppermutation generator using word lists or characters
XSS - XSSPlay!Cross Site Scripting vulnerability testing and graphical automation
XSS - StringEncObfuscation generator for XSS or Code Injection attacks
# Screenshots xssPlay! Screenshots (links open in new tab):

YouTube Video Demos

xssPlay! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPuJM7H5AC8)
Misc, MySQLi, etc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clY6A_mXn4g)


All tools come with a Help dialog, simply run the tool with ./tool --help for more information on how to use it.

Perl Dependencies

LWP; LWP::UserAgent; Term::ANSIColor; WWW::Mechanize::Firefox;LWP; Term::ANSIColor; Digest::MD5; Crypt::PasswdMD5 Firefox MozRepl Plugin (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/mozrepl/);

These can be installed using CPAN from the terminal, e.g. "cpan -i Term::ANSIColor" or, if using Linux, from your package management system.

Thank you

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Thank you for sailing WeakNet Laboratories...