
Minimal Event Bus for JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Minimal event bus a.k.a. message dispatcher for JavaScript.


Basic example

> var bus = Minibus.create()
> var route = bus.on('out-of-fuel', function () {
> bus.emit('out-of-fuel')
> bus.off(route)
> bus.emit('out-of-fuel')


  • Lightweight, about 600 bytes when compressed.
  • Compatible with browsers, Node, CommonJS and AMD.
  • Create a message bus by var bus = Minibus.create()
  • Bind event handlers by bus.on('myevent', function () { ... })
  • Bind only once by bus.once('myevent', function () { ... })
  • Emit events by bus.emit('myevent')
  • Pass parameters to handlers by bus.emit('myevent', param1, param2, ...)
  • Unbind the handlers of an event by bus.off('myevent')
  • Unbind a route by first var route = bus.on('myevent', function () { ... }) and then bus.off(route)
  • Unbind everything by bus.off()



<script src="scripts/minibus.js"></script>

CommonJS & Node.js

$ npm install minibus
> var Minibus = require('minibus');

AMD & Require.js

define(['scripts/minibus'], function (Minibus) { ... });



Create a new bus. Takes no parameters.

>> var bus = Minibus.create()
>> bus.on('hello', function () { ...


alias bus.trigger

Emit an event to execute the event handlers. The event handlers are executed immediately. Takes in an event string. Returns nothing.

>> bus.emit('out-of-fuel')

Alternatively takes in an array of event strings.

>> bus.emit(['out-of-fuel', 'radio-on'])

Accepts also extra parameters to be given as parameters to the event handler.

>> bus.on('out-of-fuel', function (litersFuelLeft) { ... })
>> bus.emit('out-of-fuel', 0.5)

Another example:

>> bus.on('flat-tire', function (frontOrBack, side) {
     console.log('The ' + frontOrBack + ' ' + side + ' tire blew out');
>> bus.emit('flat-tire', 'front', 'right');
The front right tire blew out.

Throws InvalidEventStringError if given event string is not a string or an array of strings.


alias bus.listen

On an event string being emitted, execute an event handler function. Returns a route that can be used with off to cancel this binding.

>> var route = bus.on('out-of-fuel', function () {
>> bus.off(route)

Takes in an event string or an array of event strings and an event handler function.

>> bus.on(['out-of-fuel', 'battery-dead'], function () {
     console.log('Call home.')

Throws InvalidEventStringError if given event string is not a string or array of strings. Throws InvalidEventHandlerError if given event handler is not a function.


Bind once. Just like bus.on but the event handler function can be executed only once and is then forgotten.

>> bus.once('out-of-fuel', function () {
     console.log('Smoke your last cigarette.')
>> bus.emit('out-of-fuel')
'Smoke your last cigarette.'
>> bus.emit('out-of-fuel')


alias bus.removeListener

Unbind one or many event handlers. Returns nothing. With no parameters, unbinds all the event handlers for all the event strings.

>> bus.off()

Takes in a route an array of routes returned by an on or once.

>> var route = bus.on('out-of-fuel', function () {
>> bus.off(route)
>> bus.emit('out-of-fuel')

Alternatively takes in an array of routes.

>> bus.off([route, otherRoute])

Throws InvalidRouteStringError if given route is not a string or array of strings.

Customize Minibus

Customize bus by:

Minibus.extension.myFunction = function (...) {...};

After that you can:

var bus = Minibus.create();

Repository branches

  • master is for production-ready releases.
  • develop is for feature development

This convention follows a successful git branching model.


The development of Minibus started in 2013-02-15 after hassling with EventBus and Socket.IO. They either had complex API or solved too much. The 1.x.x and 2.x.x were designed in 2013. Codebase was completely rewritten to 3.x.x in the end of 2014.

See also


Semantic Versioning 2.0.0


MIT License