A boilerplate to get started with Django, django-rest-framework on Heroku. It is great to start a API-first SaaS-application.
- Optimized for Python 3.7+ and Django 2.2+
- A nicely formatted settings.py
- 12-Factor based settings via django-environ
- Based on an API build with the awesome django-rest-framework
- Good considerated defaults for API Throttling, Pagination and Exception handling
- API documentation build with Swagger
- Optimized testing with py.test & Coverage 100%
- A helpful Makefile for faster and easier deployments
- Support for asynchronous task handling with RQ
- Email sending with Sendgrid support
- Build in support for Sentry Error monitoring
- Continuous integration with CircleCI
- Deployment for Heroku with Procfile, app.json, Whitenoise and Foreman
- Docker files of Postgres and Redis for easier local development
- Support of Docker deployments on Heroku
- Code formatting done with Black
- Werkzeug, iPython, django-extensions, django-debug-toolbar and ipdb installed for local debugging
- Pipenv integrated with the required packages
- Django Admin with some links & optimizations
- Helpful Github templates for issue creation and pull requests
├── .circleci // CircleCI configuration
| ├── config.yml
├── .github
| | ├── bug---problem.md // A Github template for reporting bugs
| | └── feature_request.md // A Github template for posting new features
| ├── PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md // A Github template layout for Pull requests
├── apps
| ├── core // Django core app
| ├── users // Django Users app
├── conf // Django configuration folder
| ├── urls.py // The main url.py file
| ├── wsgi.py // The WSGI handler
| ├── settings // Django settings
| | ├── base.py // General settings
| | ├── local.py // Local settings
| | ├── production.py // Production settings
| | ├── test.py // Test settings
├── devops // Devops + Infastructure
| ├── Docker // Docker container
| | ├── postgres // Postgres Docker
| | ├── redis // Redis Docker
├── .coveragerc
├── .env.example // Copy to .env for local development
├── .gitignore // Default .gitignore
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml
├── .prospector.yaml
├── Pipfile // Pipenv file
├── Pipfile.lock // Pipenv lock file
├── Procfile // Declaration of Heroku processes
├── README.md
├── app.json // For automated Heroku deployment
├── conftest.py
├── docker-compose.yml // Docker handling for local development
├── manage.py
├── pytest.ini
├── runtime.txt // Python version for Heroku deployment
├── setup.cfg
├── tasks.py
Read our documentation at ..
Download & install the Docker Community edition
Run the following commands, it will build & start the needed containers (Django, Worker, Postgres DB, Redis, Mailhog):
pipenv install --dev
docker-compose up -d
./manage.py migrate
./manage.py runserver
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8000/
You can deploy project to Heroku using Deploy
button or Heroku instructions
Name | What is it? | Default |
DATABASE_URL | Database's url | postgresql://${DB_USER}:${DB_PASSWORD}@localhost:${DOCKER_POSTGRES_PORT}/postgres for local, Heroku sets it automatically |
REDIS_URL | Redis's url | redis://redis:${DOCKER_REDIS_PORT} for local, Heroku sets it automatically |
ENV | App's environment | |
SECRET_KEY | Secret key that django requires for security | Heroku sets it automatically |
All other envs you can find in env.example
This project contains docker integration. You can run it with pipenv run go-docker
In any case before you need to write your .env
file with correct variables: when using the dockerized
local development setup, copy .env.local
; otherwise copy .env.example
to .env
, and modifiy
We are using prospectr + pre-commit to make things workable and clear. Before write any code you need to install
dev dependencies and run pre-commit install -f
after that. Then whenever you run git commit
you'll have a fancy
output with checks according to our code standards.
Work on new bug/features
will be done in a new branch (*)
There is a convention in the name of the branches used:
Naming a Branch:
- Start branch name with the Issue Number: #1 Initial Issue
> 1-initial-branch-name
- Use lowercase only
- Use dashes to separate words
Commits are the smallest portion of code that can be reviewed and has a purpose in the codebase. Each commit counts in a branch, not only the full set of changes.
Please follow this guideline: https://udacity.github.io/git-styleguide/
To use cool github linking to the issue please add #taskNumber in the end. E.g.:
docs: add changes to the Readme #123
Please make sure that each public class, method and function has meaningful documentation which describes the purpose of the code. To make things easier to follow we use Python annotations to the public functions and method. Cheat sheet: https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cheat_sheet_py3.html
More info here: https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html