
Bezier curve/surface evaluation using PyOpenCL

Primary LanguagePython

Author: Shayan Javed

This is just a simple PyOpenCL demo to test various techniques on evaluating Bezier Curves/Surfaces

UPDATE September 18th, 2011:
Added a second way of doing the evaluation (method2.py).
This method runs 1 work-item for each UV pair. This is how it's implemented in the Domain/Tessellator/Hull-Shader pipeline
for DX11 I think. It does straightforward evaluation while reading from global memory, and no local memory is used.
Apparently in the latest Nvidia Fermi architecture (GT 400+), global reads are cached, so perhaps no need to use local memory.

UPDATE September 4th, 2011:
It actually wasn't working properly before. This was because of local memory
size not being proper. I was allocating (local_size * 4) when I should be
allocating (local_size * 4 * 4) to account for the fact that it was float4.
Similarly the 2nd local memory should be 4 * 4 * 4. This seems to have fixed it

UPDATE September 3rd, 2011:
I think I got this to work. The problem was that the UV values
array was not being properly generated. Had to setup a numpy array explicitly

How it works (method 1 using local memory):
Input 1: 4 * 4 (16) control points of bicubic bezier patch read from file (float4)
Input 2: float2 array of UV values. Step size of 0.2, starts from 0.0 to 1.0. Total size of float2 array is therefore 36. Usually this generation of UV values is done by the tessellation engine in DirectX11/OpenGL 4.0

OpenCL setup:
Advantage of PyOpenCL seems to be that setup is simple. don't have to spend too much time worrying about contexts, queues, etc.

Global work size = 36 * 9 // 36 is the number of work groups, and 9 is the number of work-items in each work-group (In CUDA Speak Grid = work-group, thread = work-item)

Local work size = 9. For each UV value, we are going to have 9 work-items used to evaluate the bezier-surface

Bezier-surface evaluation:
I used the deCasteljau algorithm for evaluating. The control point setup is like this:

b30  b31  b32  b33
b20  b21  b22  b23
b10  b11  b12  b13
b00  b01  b02  b03

For each work-item we are going to try and figure out which UV-value we are going to evaluate:

1) First we figure out the global id (gid) to output to: get_global_id(0)/9. This lets us know the output array index to output to
2) The gid also let's us know the UV-value index. 
3) Next we look up the local id (lid). This is going to be from 0-8. 

   For each lid we are going to calculate one "corner" of the bezier patch. The output from this is stored in local memory.
4) We need to synchronize across all the work-items inside the work-group so that we can use the values in the next step. we use barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE)
5) Now we are dealing with a quadratic bezier curve. We use similar steps as before, but now only do it for the first 4 work-items (0-4). We synchronize again. The output is stored in another local_memory buffer
6) Now in the final step we are just evaluating the linear bezier curve. Just do linear interpolation across the four points. This is only done for work-item 0. Store the output in the output buffer

As of right now it seems to work, but will need to verify with a CPU implementation

Shortcomings and future work:
- While local memory is being used, after synchronization half the work-items are being wasted. 
- Should integrate with (Py)OpenGL so that we can see visual results.
- Expand to a whole mesh rather than just one patch. Use for evaluating Approximating Catmull-Clark (ACC) meshes for example?