Copy & Paste Guides

For those who rather use guides instead of the layout option in Sketch it's often frustrating to change guides for multiple artboards, especially when working with larger documents. That's why we've created a plugin to easily copy, paste and remove guides from your Sketch artboard(s).


To install the plugin you should perform the following actions;

  1. Download the .zip file and copy 'Copy & Paste Guides.sketchplugin'
  2. Open Sketch and navigate to 'Plugins > Manage Plugins > [cog symbol] > Show plugins folder
  3. Paste the 'Copy & Paste Guides.sketchplugin' into the plugins folder

Once you're done, you can now use the plugin!


Copy guides

Copies ruler data from the selected artboard
Shortcut: ctrl + shift + C

Paste guides

Pastes ruler data onto the selected artboard(s)
Shortcut: ctrl + shift + V

Remove guides

Removes all ruler data from the selected artboard(s)
Shortcut: ctrl + shift + R

Paste to all artboards

Pastes the copied guides to all artboards in a page.
You can only call this function from the plugin's menu

Remove from all artboards

Removes all guides from all artboards in a page.
You can only call this function from the plugin's menu

For more info go to