HyperConomy is the all in one economy and shop plugin. HyperConomy supports dynamic pricing, chest shops, Showcase style item displays, sign shops, frame shops, information signs which can display price changes like a stock market, region based shops, global shops, time based stock and balance changes and much more. Virtually all vanilla Minecraft items can be traded in HyperConomy. Prices change dynamically or can be set as desired. For data storage, HyperConomy uses either MySQL or SQLite, allowing easy manipulation of data.
- Download HyperConomy releases from [BukkitDev] (http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/hyperconomy/files/) or get the latest [development build] (http://regalowl.net:8081/job/HyperConomy/).
- Player the HyperConomy jar file your plugins folder.
- Restart your server.
- [Documentation Wiki] (https://github.com/RegalOwl/HyperConomy-Documentation)
- [BukkitDev Page] (http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/hyperconomy/)
- [Spigot Page] (https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/hyperconomy.4602/)
- [Latest Development Build] (http://regalowl.net:8081/job/HyperConomy/)
- [Latest Source Code] (https://github.com/RegalOwl/HyperConomy/tree/hc-dev)