

  1. Use REMS for units and set the responsive scale on the html element.
  2. Dont use @extend - it makes a mess in the css
  3. Use CSS Grid and Flexbox for layout
  4. Use BEM, avoid bootstrap and other css frameworks.
  5. Dont use id's for css selectors. Only use ids for js
  6. When deploying to production, compress your css files into one minified file
  7. Avoid using inline css.
  8. Create and use mixins to remain DRY and Modular. Use mixins to "separate the concerns". ie: A mixin to handle all "titles".
  9. Add helpful comments to your css for yourself and others
  10. Each ACF or Gutenberg block scss lives in its own self contained file. The scss file is named the same as the block name. This includes existing gutenberg blocks ie: paragraph, heading etc


  1. When deploying to production, Compress your js files into one minified file
  2. Dont use javascript to match height of boxes use flexbox for this


  1. Use slick slicker we use this as the team is familiar with it.


This is the most critcal part of the developement. The problem can be that the design is often delivered to you in only one size, The design needs to look the same at 1920 and 1440 resolutions.

2. Using REMS for scalable typography

Obviously, Your a skilled developer and you have your own methods. the important thing is that the website remains in scale accross different desktop Monitor / laptop resolutions

  1. Our points breaks, with mobile first standard:
    • 480px
    • 768px
    • 1024px
    • 1280px
    • 1440px
    • 1600px
    • 1920px