
Simple Google Maps API Wrapper with async/await in Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

MapWrap 📌

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MapWrap is a simple wrapper around the Google Maps API for Geocoding, Directions, and Places (Nearby Search, Place Details). It provides simple methods to access data members in the API response with error checking.

MapWrap also implements a simple LRU cache to speed up requests and decrease the amount of unnecessary calls to the server. It is fully compliant with Google's restriction of not caching data for over 30 days.


npm install --save mapwrap


const MapWrap = require("mapwrap");

const mapwrap = MapWrap({
  // DEFAULT_API_KEY is all you need to get started. 
  // All other config properties are optional.
  DEFAULT_API_KEY: "my_google_api_key",
  // Optional keys with priority over default for specific API services.
  useRestrictedKeys: {
    GEOCODING_API_KEY: "geocoding_api_key", 
    DIRECTIONS_API_KEY: "directions_api_key", // these are null by default.
    PLACES_API_KEY: "places_api_key"
  // Set the max age (in ms) of an item in the cache before it is pruned.
  // Default max age is 5 minutes. Min age is 1 minute and max is 30 days.
  cacheMaxItemAges: {
    reverseGeoCache: 5 * 60000,
    geoCache: 20 * 60000,
    directionsCache: 15 * 60000,
    nearbySearchCache: 300 * 60000,
    placeDetailsCache: 300 * 60000,
  // Set the size of your LRU cache 
  // Default cache sizes are 10 items
  cacheMaxSizes: {
    reverseGeoCache: 20, 
    geoCache: 20,
    directionsCache: 15,
    nearbySearchCache: 10,
    placeDetailsCache: 10
  // Enable printing of a message when a cache is accessed. False by default.
  logCache: true,
  // Use a custom logger function to track cache hits. Defaults to `console.log`.
  logger: console.info

(async () => {
  try {

    const geoWrapper = await mapwrap.geocode("Staples Center, LA");
    console.log(geoWrapper.getAllAddresses()); // return an array of objects
    console.log(geoWrapper.getTopAddress()); // return first address in its object
    console.log(geoWrapper.getTopAddress(true)); // return first address as a string

    const reverseGeoWrapper = await mapwrap.reverseGeocode(33.651021, -117.841550);

    Allowed modes: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/intro#TravelModes
    const directionsParams = {
      origin: "Anaheim", // required
      destination: "Irvine", // required
      mode: "driving",
      altRoutes: true, // false by default. retrieve alternate routes (up to 3, usually)
      avoidFerries: false,
      avoidHighways: false,
      avoidIndoor: false,
      avoidTolls: false,
      units: "imperial" // or "metric"

    const directionsWrapper = await mapwrap.directions(directionsParams);

    The methods getStartAddress, getEndAddress, getRoute, and getRouteSteps
    accepts an optional number to specify which route you want to retrieve data from.
    Useful only when altRoutes is set to true in directionsParams.
    Defaults to 0 if not specified.

    const placeSearchWrapper = await mapwrap.nearbySearchPlaces({
      location: {
        lat: 33.651021, 
        lng: -117.841550
      radius: 30000, // radius in meters to search nearby.
      keyword: "starbucks", // optional
      // units: "imperial" As of 2.1.0, No longer needed.

    What is next page token?

    commented out as Google Maps API requires a small amount of time before the next page token becomes valid.

    const placeSearchWrapper2 = await mapwrap.additionalPlaces(placeSearchWrapper.getNextPageToken());

    const placeDetailsObject = await mapwrap.placeDetails("ChIJN1t_tDeuEmsRUsoyG83frY4");


  } catch (err) {

If any bugs are found, please don't hesitate to open an issue on the project repo. I'll do my best to address them.