
Multi-Style Text Rendering Plugin for PixiJS

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Warning This repository is no longer maintained. HTMLText has been rolled into the main project and it now bundled by default in pixi.js or pixi.js-legacy packages.


Node.js CI npm (scoped)

An alternative to PIXI.Text that works with PixiJS v5 (both WebGL and Canvas), however, it has some advantages:

  • Supports HTML tags for styling such as <strong>, or <em>, as well as <span style="">
  • Better support for emojis and other HTML layout features, better compatibility with CSS line-height and letter-spacing.


  • Unlike PIXI.Text, HTMLText rendering will vary slightly between platforms and browsers. HTMLText uses SVG/DOM to render text and not Context2D's fillText like PIXI.Text.
  • Performance and memory usage is on-par with PIXI.Text (that is to say, slow and heavy)
  • Only works with browsers that support <foreignObject>.


npm install @pixi/text-html
yarn add @pixi/text-html


import { HTMLText } from '@pixi/text-html';

const text = new HTMLText("Hello World", { fontSize: 20 });

Important: Because the HTMLText object takes a raw HTML string, it's represents a potential vector for XSS, it's strongly encourage you santize input especially if you're accepting user-strings.

Custom Fonts

Because rendering within a <foreignObject> element does not have access to fonts available in the current document, therefore, you need to load the fonts explicitly.

const text = new HTMLText("Hello World", { fontFamily: 'Custom' });

await text.style.loadFont('./path/to/custom-regular.ttf', { family: 'Custom' });

Multiple Weights

const text = new HTMLText("Hello <b>World</b>", { fontFamily: 'Custom' });

await Promise.all([
    text.style.loadFont('./path/to/custom-regular.ttf', { family: 'Custom' }),
    text.style.loadFont('./path/to/custom-bold.ttf', { family: 'Custom', weight: 'bold' });


Not all styles and values are compatible between PIXI.Text, mainly because Text is rendered using a DOM element instead of Context2D's fillText API.


  • fill
  • fontFamily
  • fontSize
  • fontWeight
  • fontStyle
  • fontVariant
  • letterSpacing
  • align (also supports justify value)
  • padding
  • breakWords
  • lineHeight
  • whiteSpace (also supports nowrap, pre-wrap values)
  • wordWrap
  • wordWrapWidth
  • strokeThickness
  • dropShadow
  • dropShadowAngle
  • dropShadowDistance
  • dropShadowBlur
  • dropShadowColor
  • stroke
  • strokeThickness

Values may differ slightly from PIXI.Text rendering.Appearance may differ slightly between different browsers.


  • fillGradientStops
  • fillGradientType
  • lineJoin
  • miterLimit
  • textBaseline
  • trim
  • leading



