This repo contains all of my development configs. I never had a backup of these before and hence this repo.
├── .gitignore # git ignore file
├── .gitmodules # git submodules
├── LICENSE # license for this repo
├── # this file
├── docs
│ └── # vanguard controller documentation
├── home
│ ├── .config
│ │ ├── alacritty
│ │ │ └── alacritty.toml # my alacritty terminal settings
│ │ ├── micro
│ │ │ └── settings.json # my micro editor settings
│ │ ├── tmux
│ │ │ └── .tmux.conf # my tmux config
│ │ └── wt
│ │ └── LocalState
│ │ └── settings.json # my windows terminal settings
│ ├── .gitconfig
│ ├── .ssh
│ │ └── config # my ssh config
│ └── Code
│ └── User
│ └── settings.json # my vs_code settings
├── unix
│ ├── .zsh
│ │ ├── .p10k.zsh # powerlevel10k zsh theme
│ │ ├── .zshenv # zsh environment file
│ │ └── .zshrc # zsh run commands file
│ ├── .zshenv # zsh environment file that exposes.zsh directory
│ └── # automated environment setup that targets linux, android and mac
└── windows
├── powershell
│ ├── Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 # my powershell_profile configuration
│ ├── modules
│ │ ├── file_copy.ps1 # a function to copy contents, especially terminal configs
│ │ ├── vanguard.ps1 # a function to control vanguard execution
│ │ ├── vanguard_scheduler.ps1 # a function to schedule the disabling vanguard execution
│ │ └── wsl_install.cmd # this file is automatically run on restart to install Debian, deleted once installed
│ └── setup.ps1 # powershell setup script
├── pro_scripts
│ ├── gpedit-enabler.bat # enables group policy editor in windows_home
│ └── hyper-v-enabler.bat # enables hyper-v in windows_home
├── registry_edits
│ └── folders-to-ThisPC
│ ├── add-folders-to-ThisPC.reg # registry to add default folders at the top of `ThisPC`
│ └── remove-folders-from-ThisPC.reg # registry to remove default folders from the top of `ThisPC`
├── theme
│ └── pix-dynamc-theme.deskthemepack # my desktop theme with added wallpaper
└── tools
├── ofgb # oh frick! go back! a tool to disable ads in windows, downloaded by setup.ps1
│ └── placeholder
└── winutil
├── build.ps1 # winutil builder script
├── windows.ico # winutil icon
├── winutil.exe # winutil executable
└── winutil.ps1 # winutil powershell script
If you're using a Windows PC, execute below command in powershell
irm "" | iex
If you're using unix based OS, execute below in terminal (kitty, alacritty, iterm2 or any other terminal except the default one)
By unix based OS I mean, WSL, Debian, or macOS
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y curl git wget zsh && \
bash -c "$(curl -sSL" -- --setup
If running in Termux
pkg update && pkg upgrade -y && pkg install -y curl git wget zsh && \
bash -c "$(curl -sSL" -- --setup
Both the commands are completely different not only in nature but also in the job they do here. The first command is for Windows and the second one is for unix based OS.
To learn about what Vanguard controller is and how to use it, refer to Vanguard Controller
- SanchithHegde for dotfiles
- Chris Titus for powershell-profile, bash-profile and winutil
- Mike Battista for Powershell - WSL Interop
- AndrewMast for disable_vanguard.vbs