
WordPress theme "unit tests" setup command with wp-cli

Primary LanguagePHP

wp-cli theme-test command

Build Status - master Latest Stable Version

Install and configure Theme "unit tests" (sample data, required plugins and options) with wp-cli



Default install: wp-cli + composer

Composer installation as referenced in wp-cli Community Packages setup.

  1. Make sure to have wp-cli already installed.

  2. Go to the directory containing the root composer.json file:

cd ~/.wp-cli
  1. Add the WP-CLI Package Index:
composer config repositories.wp-cli composer http://wp-cli.org/package-index/
  1. Install the package:
composer require pixline/wp-cli-theme-test-command=dev-master


NOTE: This command can't deal (yet?) with global flags like --path, please run it in the WordPress root folder.

wp theme-test install [options]

Angle brackets groups possible values, default is marked with *

[--data=< unit-test* | wpcom-theme | wpcom-demo | wptest | skip >]

	URL/path to custom WXR data file, or built-in:

	'unit-test' = Default Theme Unit Test datafile
	'wpcom-theme' = Alternative wpcom datafile (1)
	'wpcom-demo' = Alternative wpcom datafile (2)
	'wptest' = manovotny/wptest datafile
	'skip' = Do not install new data

[--plugin=< theme* | vip | devel | all | skip >]  

	Plugin bundle to install. 
	Bundles are as suggested in the 'developer' plugin,
	'debug' bundle is an exclusive feature :-) 

	'theme' = Default plugin setup
	'vip' = Default + wpcom VIP plugin setup
	'devel' = Default + plugin developer setup
	'debug' = Default + debugger setup
	'all' = Default + VIP + developer + debugger!
	'skip' = Do not install/activate plugin bundles

[--option=< default* | skip >]

	Updates blog options to the test default values.

	'skip' = Do not update options
	'default' = Updates options to their default test value:

		- blogname                WordPress Theme Unit Test Site
		- posts_per_page          5
		- thread_comments         1
		- thread_comments_depth   3
		- page_comments           1
		- comments_per_page       5
		- medium_max_w            null
		- medium_max_h            null
		- large_max_w             null
		- large_max_h             null
		- permalink_structure     /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/

[--menus]            Add custom nav menus