
Pyro cms grouped artisan commands

Primary LanguagePHP

Pyro Artisan Commands

Small extension grouping common artisan commands when working with pyro.

  • php artisan pyro:clear - Runs cache, twig, view and http cache clear.
  • php artisan pyro:compile - Sets env variable installed to false, runs stream compile and then sets the variable back to true.

How to install

In your composer.json file, add :

  "repositories": [{
    "type": "composer",
    "url": "https://packages.pixney.com"

then require the package:

composer require pixney/artisan-extension

Finally install the addon:

php artisan addon:install pixney.extension.artisan

Suggested bash aliases to add to make it even easier.

echo "alias \"a\"='nano ~/.bash_aliases'" >> ~/.bash_aliases && source ~/.bashrc
echo "alias \"r\"='source ~/.bashrc'" >> ~/.bash_aliases && source ~/.bashrc
echo "alias \"art\"='php artisan'" >> ~/.bash_aliases && source ~/.bashrc

Now you just need to run art pyro:clear or art pyro:compile