Core Android + Sample Kotlin project Pixwell

App signing + app build variants

App build variants

On sample app we have example 2 builds variants:

  1. debug
  2. release (build variant that is automatically signed)

After build of these two variants we have 2 apps with package names:

  1. (debug)
  2. (release)

Applications names (android:label="@string/app_name"):

  1. Android Core (debug)
  2. Android Core DEV (release)

These names can be changed in:

  1. src/release/res/values/constants.xml
  2. src/debug/res/values/constants.xml

App signing

  1. On top level build.gradle file we must add:

def keystoreProperties = new Properties()

keystoreProperties.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePropertiesFile))

project.ext {
    KEYSTORE_STORE_FILE = rootProject.file(keystoreProperties['storeFile'])
    KEYSTORE_STORE_PASSWORD = keystoreProperties['storePassword']
    KEYSTORE_KEY_ALIAS = keystoreProperties['keyAlias']
    KEYSTORE_KEY_PASSWORD = keystoreProperties['keyPassword']
  1. On root project we must add certificate file (.jks) and

Example certificate file (.jks) and you can find on Pixwell deal keychain.

What to do next

  • include permission handling or at least thing about it
  • include camera and gallery handling