
Your amusement park, for learning

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Feel - The code behind ConceptCoaster


Visit the Python tutorial on ConceptCoaster to check out an example course. The application consists of two components:

  • For Instructors: A course and content creator you'd love to use.
  • For Students: A simple, responsive web app providing a zen-like learning experience.

(This is a rewrite of my previous project).


  • Khan Academy and Coursera are not open source. You cannot run your own instance of these sites.
  • Traditional Learning Management systems and EdX are clunky, focus too much on administrative aspects and suffer from feature creep.

Running your own playground instance of ConceptCoaster

1. Install docker

2. Pull the image:

docker pull pramodliv1/feel:0.3

3. Start the container:

docker run -p pramodliv1/feel:0.3 /root/start.sh

The container exposes a port on 7777.


  • Your data will be NOT be saved when the container is stopped.
  • The app does NOT connect to external dependencies like Algolia and HackerRank


This is a single-page-app built using

  • React, Backbone and Materialize on the front-end
  • Nginx as a reverse proxy
  • Django as a JSON/HTTP server
  • PostgreSQL as the primary datastore
  • Redis for caching
  • HackerRank to evaluate code
  • Algolia for search
  • Opbeat to measure django performance
  • Cloudflare for HTTPS, CDN
  • Azure and Digital Ocean VMs for hosting.


The application is in an exploratory stage, and may undergo drastic changes. The course-creator is not open to the public yet. I'm getting feedback from students and instructors. Issues are noted in a private spreadsheet and there no tests either. I'd love to hear your feedback.