
Simple identifier server

Primary LanguageGo


APACHE 2 License Contributing Guidelines

Implements a server to provide a NOID service. It can persist its state to either the file system or a mysql database. For compatibility with existing ids, the minting tries to follow how the Ruby Noid gem works.


  1. Install a Go development environment. It is easiest to use a package manager. On my Mac I use homebrew:

     brew install go

    Make sure the go version is >= 1.3

     go version

    Now set the "Go Path":

     mkdir ~/gocode
     export GOPATH=~/gocode
  1. Get the noid server:

     go get github.com/ndlib/noids
  2. Run the server:

     mkdir ~/noid_pool
     $GOPATH/bin/noids --storage ~/noid_pool

Using the API

Get a list of current noid counters:

$ curl http://localhost:13001/pools
[ ]

Add a new noid counter:

$ curl http://localhost:13001/pools -F name=abc -F template=.seek

Mint some identifiers:

$ curl http://localhost:13001/pools/abc/mint -F n=11

Get noid information:

$ curl http://localhost:13001/pools/abc

To help sync the minter with ids which have already been minted, use the AdvancePast route. Calling this with an id will ensure that id will never be minted by this server.

$ curl http://localhost:13001/pools/abc/advancePast -F id=bb1

So now if we were to mint again:

$ curl -X POST http://localhost:13001/pools/abc/mint

Using mysql database backend

MySql configuration can be done either using a config file or the command line. The command line option --mysql with the connection information in the format user:password@tcp(hostname:port)/database.

Security and Authentication

There is none.


See noid-service.md.