
Solves any sudoku puzzle using backtracking algorithm while visualizing the whole process. It's a web application made using Django. It contains a million different puzzles to be solved by you or the computer.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Sudoku Solver and Game

Solves any sudoku puzzle using backtracking algorithm while visualizing the whole process. It's a web application made using Django.

It contains a million different puzzles to be solved by you or the computer.

Sudoku is a 9x9 puzzle game where you solve a puzzle by inputting digits (1-9) in empty spaces until the entire grid is filled and that multiple of the same number are not in the same row, column, or box. Visit app


First install all required modules using following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Make sure you have sudoku.csv file in main/static. If you face any issues with the csv file, then you can download it from here:

One Million Sudoku Puzzles

Then run the project by following command:

python manage.py runserver


python3 manage.py runserver

If the migrations aren't being applied, then simply run the following command:

python manage.py migrate


python3 manage.py migrate

and then re-run previous command.


  • One million different sudoku puzzles with various difficulties
  • Marks whether every move is correct or incorrect
  • Animates the backtracking process with variety of animation speeds to choose from


Sudoku Solver Visualization

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