
Group chat server in C++

Primary LanguageC++

Toy ChatServer

This is a toy chat server. To use, just dowload and run the binaries as per your OS (Tested on MacOS and Ubuntu).

Make binaries executable:

chmod +x *.linux *.mac

Run tracker:


Run client with tracker's IP address as argument (must be on same network or else you will have to use a proxyserver):

./Client.linux $tracker_ip

Main ideas: Multi-threading, Socket programming


To compile on Linux machines:

g++ tracker.cpp -lpthread -o Tracker.linux
g++ client.cpp -lpthread -o Client.linux

To compile on MacOS:

g++ -std=c++17 tracker.cpp -lpthread -o Tracker.mac
g++ -std=c++17 client.cpp -lpthread -o Client.mac

About this software

This runs on a client-server model. There should be just 1 tracker whereas there can be several clients. The machine running the tracker can be a client too. The client can join and leave as they wish. Just like whatsapp, a new client will be able to view messages in the group from the point she joins. After running the tracker, it asks for a server password that every client will need to join the chat server. For the clients, after validating the server password, it asks for a username. Then it shows a welcome message. Now the clients can chat. Anyone can join and leave in the middle. The clients can type exit to leave. When everybody leaves, the tracker will exit. All this while, the entire conversation gets recorded in a log file chat.log.

Update: Client can exit by typing exit. When all the clients exit, the tracker also exits. I decided that it is better this way than having a session run indefinitely.

Update: If a client presses ctrl+c, the tracker will detect that and gracefully handle it. Also, if tracker presses ctrl+c,all the clients will detect that and they will all gracefully exit.


View from client 1 (alpha):

View from client 2 (beta):

View from client 3 (gamma):

View from tracker: