
SMAI Project: Understanding Deep Learning Requires Rethinking Generalization

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

SMAI Project

Understanding Deep Learning Requires Rethinking Generalization (arxiv)


To understand what differentiates neural networks that generalize well from those that do not


CIFAR10, ImageNet


MLP-512, Inception (tiny), Wide ResNet, AlexNet, Inception_v3

Experiments done:

  • Effect of explicit regularization like augmentation, weight decay, dropout
  • Effect of implicit regularization like BatchNorm
  • Input data corruption: Pixel shuffle, Gaussian pixels, Random pixels
  • Label corruption with different corruption levels from 1 to 100 %


Data Corruption experiments

Label corruption experiments

Regularization experiments

Checkpoint files of Model Trained on ImageNet (Explicit Regularization):

  • w/o Augmentation, Learning Rate Scheduler, Dropout: checkpoint
  • w/o Augmentation, w/o Learning Rate Scheduler, Dropout : checkpoint
  • with Augmentation, Learning Rate Scheduler, Dropout : checkpoint

Team Members: