
🚀 Solve and document LeetCode's daily challenges in this repository. Sharpen your problem-solving skills with a new problem each day. Contributions welcome in multiple programming languages!

LeetCode Daily Challenges

Welcome to the LeetCode Daily Challenges repository! 🚀


This repository is dedicated to solving and documenting LeetCode's daily challenges. Each day, a new problem will be added along with its solution in various programming languages. This is a great opportunity to enhance your problem-solving skills and explore different approaches to algorithmic challenges.


  • 📁 DailyChallenges: Contains folders for each day, organized chronologically.
    • 📄 Problem.md: Describes the problem of the day.
    • 📄 Solution: Contains solution(s) in different programming languages.
    • 📄 Explanation.md: Provides explanations, optimizations, and alternative solutions.

How to Contribute

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for the day's problem: git checkout -b dayX.
  3. Solve the problem and add your solution to the appropriate language folder.
  4. Add explanations or optimizations in the Explanation.md file.
  5. Commit your changes: git commit -m "Add solution for day X".
  6. Push to the branch: git push origin dayX.
  7. Create a pull request.


  • Solutions should be well-commented and easy to understand.
  • Follow the folder structure and naming conventions.
  • Feel free to contribute in multiple programming languages.

Happy Coding! 🎉

Let's embark on this coding journey together and grow our problem-solving skills. Happy coding! 🚀