
Affiliate system for django

Primary LanguagePython

Affiliate system for django

Build Status Coverage Status Pypi version

Affiliate system to reward partners with their visitors payments. Contains abstract models with basic functionality, so it is easy to subclass them and add your custom logic and relations.

Note: version 0.2.0 is backwards incompatible with previous versions.


Visitor goes to site with affiliate code:


This code is saved in his cookies (also another way is supported: keep aid=12345 at every url). Now each request object has property request.affiliate, so you can access to affiliate, that attract current visitor, and therefore reward him at needed event.

Property request.affiliate is lazy. To check, that affiliate exist, do this:

    if request.affiliate.exists():
        # optionally check, that he is active:
        if request.affiliate.is_active:
            # request comes from affiliate with code 
            # affiliate.aid

You can find example project in this repository.

Used by projects


  • python (2.7, 3.4, 3.5)
  • django (1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9)

Quick start

  1. Install this package to your python distribution

     pip install django-affiliate
  2. Add 'affiliate' to INSTALLED_APP:

         # ...
  3. Add 'affiliate.middleware.AffiliateMiddleware' to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES:

         # ...
  4. Define your custom affiliate model (similar to custom user model):

     # our_app/models.py
     from django.db import models
     from affiliate.models import AbstractAffiliate
     class Affiliate(AbstractAffiliate):
         pass  # or add some your custom fields here
     # settngs.py
     AFFILIATE_AFFILIATE_MODEL = 'our_app.Affiliate'
  5. Create tables

     # django <= 1.6
     python manage.py syncdb
     # django <= 1.6 & south
     python manage.py schemamigration our_app --auto
     python manage.py migrate our_app
     # django >= 1.7
     python manage.py makemigrations our_app
     python manage.py migrate our_app
  6. Finally, reward affiliate

     from django.views.generic import FormView
     from affiliate.tools import get_affiliate_model
     Affiliate = get_affiliate_model()
     class SomeView(FormView):
         # ...
         def form_valid(self.form):
             product = self.get_product()
             if self.request.affiliate.exists() and self.request.affiliate.is_active:
                 # reward affiliate here, your custom logic is here
                 return super(SomeView, self).form_valid(form)


To always keep the aid GET parameter (maybe you don't trust the cookies or you want to reward affiliate only if his visitor make payment at current link access, and not tomorrow)

  1. Load 'affiliate_urls' tags:

     {% load affiliate_urls %}
  2. Use 'url_aff' instead of 'url' template tag:

     <a href="{% url_aff 'home' %}">Home</a>


Define in settings.py

  • AFFILIATE_AFFILIATE_MODEL - the model to use to represent an Affiliate, similar to AUTH_USER_MODEL. Mandatory, must be explicitly defined.
  • AFFILIATE_PARAM_NAME - name of affiliate GET parameter in url. Default 'aid'.
  • AFFILIATE_REWARD_AMOUNT - default affiliate reward amount. Can be set as string ('5.55') or as int (10). Default 10.
  • AFFILIATE_REWARD_PERCENTAGE - if True, AFFILIATE_REWARD_AMOUNT is treated as percentage. Otherwise as exact amount of money. Default True.
  • AFFILIATE_SAVE_IN_SESSION - save affiliate id in session or not. Default True.
  • AFFILIATE_SESSION_AGE - how long keep affiliate id in session, in seconds. Default 5 * 24 * 60 * 60 seconds (5 days).
  • AFFILIATE_DEFAULT_LINK - default link, that will be used by Affiliate.build_absolute_affiliate_uri and .build_affiliate_url. Default '/'.
  • AFFILIATE_REMOVE_PARAM_AND_REDIRECT - if True, remove affiliate param from url and redirect to same url (affiliate data will be saved in session). Default False.