
Language Modeling using TensorFlow

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Language Modeling

Language modeling using Deep Learning is a way of asking a model to predict which word grammatically (more like logically) comes next. This model is pretty useful in many applications. One such example being speech recognition. Consider asking a speech recgnition system - "Where can I buy a pair of shoes?". How does it know that you meant "pair" and not "pear"? It uses a language model to do it.

In probabilistic manner we can say that a Language model gives the probability of a sentence to be likely.

Model Specification

Note: All the specs mentioned below can be configured in utils/config.py.

Property Value Comment
Vocab Size 15k It is a small vocab size increase it if you have the compute power
Embedding Size 128 I started with 50 and gradually increased to see which embedding size suits my system's compute power
Number of LSTM layers 2 Started with 1 but ran into underfitting with 1 LSTM layer
LSTM units 128 -
Dropout Rate keep rate 0.7 I started with 0.5 and after 10k steps increased keep rate to 0.7
Learning rate 1e-1 Made many fine tunings and many runs to finally decide that I'll go with this

Directory Structure

│    ├───pipeline

There is no need to make ./ppdata and ./langmodel_got as they will be created automatically.


  • Execute command pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Update utils/config.py to match your specs
  • Run python train_and_save.py
  • And to see the training logs open ./tensorflow.log or use tensorboard - run command tensorboard --logdir=./langmodel_got
  • See results by running python produce_text.py

produce_text.py takes command line args. To see them run python produce_text.py -h which would result in:

usage: produce_text.py [-h] [--in_txt IN_TXT] [--seq_len SEQ_LEN]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --in_txt IN_TXT    Starting Text Default - "The moon would be black tonight"
  --seq_len SEQ_LEN  Number of words in the output sequence, Default - 100


Running python produce_text.py produces result:

The moon would be black tonight And the old man And the gods are a man And you sunlight And the king s watch was not a of the gods And the of the great sea And the of the red keep And the others had been a warned And the king s watch am not a man Am ll the lord of the king judge And the

Running python produce_text.py --seq_len 300 produces result:

The moon would be black tonight And And And And and And and the king s watch was not a man And a man You have been a man who had been a king s son Cheese And a man is a man Same and the king s face was a man Than the gods And And the king s watch was a man s son of am a man Sunlight And the king s son And And And And and And and the king s watch was a man And a sunlight of the kingsguard of ll the king s watch And the king t be a And the king And the old man had been a man s son sunlight sunlight was not a glimpsed sunlight And And and And the of the great dogs The king s watch Is a hundred years to the king I am a man and a man Sunlight it was not a man And the king s son And the king of the king s watch And the king s watch tywin said And the king s watch And the king s t sunlight And the gods