
Json file parsing and aggregated daily event data for each user

Primary LanguageJava

Event Aggregator App

Event Aggregator App is a command-line utility written in Java that reads a list of user events from a JSON file, aggregates the events, and writes daily summary reports for every user back to another JSON file.


To use the Event Aggregator App, follow these steps:

  1. Compile the Code:

     $javac -cp .:json-20210307.jar EventAggregatorApp.java
  2. Run the App:

    2.1 for a fresh input file:

      $java -cp .:json-20210307.jar EventAggregatorApp -i input.json -o output.json

    2.2 if same input file is updated with new events:

    $java -cp .:json-20210307.jar EventAggregatorApp -i input.json -o output.json --update

    Replace input.json with the path to your input file and output.json with the desired output file path.

  3. Options:

    • -i or --input: Path to the input JSON file.
    • -o or --output: Path to the output JSON file.
    • --update: Use this option to support real-time aggregation. It updates the corresponding daily summary report without reprocessing all previous events.


If your input.json file contains:

  {"userId": 1, "eventType": "post", "timestamp": 1672444800},
  {"userId": 1, "eventType": "likeReceived", "timestamp": 1672444801},
  // ...

The output.json may look like this:

  {"userId": 1, "date": "2023-01-01", "post": 1, "likeReceived": 2},
  {"userId": 1, "date": "2023-01-02", "post": 1},
  // ...