
MERN Stack Web App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

  • Work under progress

  • This is a full stack project. This project has 2 separate parts: frontend and backend.

  • Frontend (Client): React Web App with pagesv- Login, Signup, Home, Profile, Stats

  • Backend (Server): Node JS REST API that uses MongoDB Atlas, Express

  • Setuping up this project:

  • You will have to setup both frontend and backend applications.

1- Clone this repo 2- First setting up BackEnd. 3- Create an account on MongoDB Atlas (or Install MongoDB on your local machine) 4- Create an .env file in backend directory and add connection String of your online MongoDB Atlas cluster. (Refer to .env.sample) 5- Inside backend/ : a) npm install b) npm start 6- Setting up Frontend: 5- Move into frontend directory : a) npm install b) npm start